

Trauma obstétrico

La incidencia del trauma obstétrico ha disminuido considerablemente en los últimos años, debido principalmente a las posibilidades de diagnóstico prenatal.
La aparición de hemorragias intracraneales, tras el trauma perinatal, cuando son pequeñas puede no dar manifestaciones clínicas hasta pasadas 24 horas o más tras el nacimiento. Puede existir irritabilidad o alteración del nivel de conciencia. Es más frecuente en prematuros que en los nacidos a término. El pronóstico es favorable en casos asintomáticos o con convulsiones pero con estado neurológico interictal normal. Respecto al tratamiento requiere mantener un transporte de O2 adecuado al cerebro y al resto de los órganos. Existe riesgo de convulsiones y edema cerebral y es obligado el tratamiento precoz de las mismas.
Las lesiones en la médula espinal, aparecen de forma más frecuente en presentación podálica y con hiperextensión de la cabeza. Se suele producir por estiramiento de la médula. En ocasiones el primer síntoma es la retención urinaria junto a un tránsito intestinal disminuido por falta de tono muscular.
Lesiones de los pares craneales, como la parálisis facial, se produce por una presión excesiva contra el sacro materno o con el fórceps en el momento del parto. La lesión intraútero es menos frecuente. La rama mandibular es la que se lesiona de forma más frecuente. La clínica, presente desde el primer o segundo día de vida, se hace evidente cuando el niño llora. Cuando hay parálisis del orbicular, se instilan lágrimas artificiales, cada 4 horas para proteger la córnea.
Cuando la lesión da lugar a parálisis de los dos o uno de los miembros superiores, debido al trauma en el parto, si se observa una clara mejoría en las 2 primeras semanas, podemos predecir la recuperación, pero si la falta de mejora persiste hasta los 6 meses de edad, sugiere un déficit permanente.
En los casos de parálisis del diafragma, se suelen recuperar espontáneamente tras varios meses de evolución. Suele ser unilateral, y se da más en partos complicados de presentación podálica. La clínica consiste en episodios de apnea y asimetría torácica.
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Parasite intestinal symptomes

Parasite intestinal symptomes
Malheureusement, beaucoup d'entre nous, indépendamment de nos habitudes d'hygiène, va acquérir les parasites intestinaux dans notre vie. Ce n'est pas toujours une question de propreté personnelle, mais plutôt de ce que nous mangeons et comment nous mangeons. Parfois, même nos habitudes de consommation ne sont pas à blâmer. Ces petits envahisseurs de l'intestin peuvent y être placés n'importe quel nombre de façons. Ce qui est vraiment important en ce moment est de savoir comment vous pouvez dire si vous pourriez être infecté par des parasites intestinaux nocifs. Cet article va traiter les symptômes les plus courants qui peuvent se manifester si en fait une infection a eu lieu.

Comme il existe plusieurs types de parasites qui peuvent envahir l'intestin, nous allons commencer par le plus commun et évident. Ce serait les vers. Oui, vous pourriez être victime d'une infestation par le ver et vous pourriez avoir acquis en mangeant des légumes crus ou la viande cuite ou même. Si vous buvez de l'eau infectée ou si vous êtes mordu par les insectes qui sont des transporteurs vous pouvez être infecté de cette manière. Il n'y a pas que quelques-uns de ces vers parasites appelés. Le nombre de types de vers connus pour envahir les humains est d'environ 100. Alors que certains d'entre eux sont si petits qu'ils ne peuvent être visualisées avec un microscope, d'autres sont facilement vus par l'œil nu.
Lorsque les vers sont ingérés ou pris dans le corps, ils s'enfoncent dans vos intestins, le plus souvent dans la muqueuse intestinale soit de l'estomac, le petit ou le gros intestin. Une fois là, ils se rendent confortable et dîner sur la même nourriture que vous mangez. Ils n'ont rien d'autre à faire que de manger, de libérer les déchets et les races. Ils peuvent poser de nombreux œufs et beaucoup de leurs jeunes à survivre et à se faire à la maison dans votre système trop. 
Comme ces petites créatures libèrent leurs déchets dans les tissus, les tissus sont soumis à des toxines qui pénètrent dans la circulation sanguine et provoquer des maladies et conduisent souvent à une mauvaise santé et d'autres maladies.Certains symptômes courants de l'invasion de ver parasite peut sembler à première vue comme une maladie temporaire simple ou simple. Toutefois, si ces symptômes continuent de se produire à plusieurs reprises, que ce serait une bonne idée de réfléchir très sérieusement à la possibilité que vous pouvez avoir des vers dans les intestins. Certains des symptômes les plus fréquents et les communes sont les ballonnements, la constipation, la diarrhée, des éruptions cutanées et la fatigue. D'autres symptômes communs incluent anémie et l'anxiété ou la nervosité. Ce sont tous des signes d'une invasion du ver a pu se produire.

La raison de ces symptômes se produisent parce que les toxines libérées par les vers, au fil du temps, s'accumuler et provoquer une panne des tissus environnants et une fois dans le sang, ils deviennent systémiques, résultant en davantage la santé et la maladie pauvres. Si les vers ne sont pas détruites, les maladies s'aggravent et conduisent finalement à la mort. Quelque chose qui n'est pas bien connu est le fait que de nombreux problèmes de poids tels que l'incapacité à perdre du poids ou tout le contraire, l'incapacité à prendre du poids, dans des circonstances où chaque état ne devrait pas se produire, peut souvent être attribuée à infestation par le ver. Si vous êtes un régime amaigrissant et n'arrive pas à perdre du poids, même si vous mangez beaucoup moins et l'exercice, le problème est peut-être vers. Si vous ne pouvez pas prendre du poids, même pendant que vous mangez plus d'aliments riches en calories et exercez pas, vous pouvez être confronté à une invasion de ver.
Il existe certains traitements qui peuvent être effectuées si les symptômes sont découverts et traités tôt et la plupart de ces traitements n'ont même pas besoin de l'assistance d'un médecin. Une fois que les vers de terre sont détruites, il n'est pas long avant que le corps commence à se rétablir et les résultats sont généralement remarquable. Il est très important de découvrir et de traiter l'infestation de ver tôt.
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Proactive Acne Treatments - The Upcoming Methods

Most of the acne treatments that are prevalent take weeks, if not months, to produce desired results. However, it might so happen that you need an immediate cure, and just cannot wait for that long for your acne woos to end. There are other proactive acne treatment procedures that are widely gaining popularity. These are not only effective, but also provide cure within a very short time period.

Chemical Peel or Derma Peel:
This is very effectual treatment procedure. There are three types of chemical peels – heavy, moderate and light. While the former strictly requires application by a dermatologist, the last one can be mixed and applied at home. Moderate chemical peels are often applied by cosmetologists in beauty salons.

This is not an invasive surgery procedure. A thin layer of a mixture of certain chemicals are applied on the skin, left for a time to dry and then peeled off. While the chemical layer is removed, the outer damaged layer of epidermis also comes off with it. The healthier, fresher skin underneath is revealed. All scars and blemishes are eliminated. Thus results an improved appearance.
Immediate side effects include peeling or flaking of the treated zones of the skin, and irritation of the areas where new skin is growing. Some redness may also be present. Nevertheless, these are usually temporary.

However, only a doctor can determine the extent of damage, the depth to which acne and associated blemishes have spread. So, all proceedings are to be determined by a skilled and certified physician.

Clear Light Treatment:
This is a novel method of treatment, designed to aid patients suffering from moderate degree of acne. This technology is believed to eliminate the bacteria that are responsible for causing acne. This non-invasive proactive acne treatment is both safe and effectual. The patient experiences no pain, nor any side effects. No peeling, redness or irritation occurs in most cases. All the areas of the body that tend to break out, including the face, the neck, the back, the shoulders and the chest can be treated with this procedure.

The whole procedure constitutes multiple sittings over a period of a month. However, severe cases tend to be resistant to the therapy.

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Dieta disociada

Se pueden realizar cuatro comidas al día, cantidad libre y no mezclar entre ellas. Se debe esperar un mínimo de 4 horas de una ingesta a otra. En cada comida se tomará solo de un grupo de alimentos.
Este sería un ejemplo de como realizar la dieta.
Desayuno: - Frutas.  Excepto: Plátanos, higos, uvas, chirimoyas.
Almuerzo: - Verduras de todo tipo, cocinadas con poco aceite. Excepto:  Patatas -  Legumbres - Remolacha - Maíz  
 Merienda: - Lácteos: Leche desnatada, yogures desnatados, Queso fresco desnatado.
Cena: - Proteínas: ternera, pollo, pescado, huevos, jamón sin grasa.
- 2 litros de agua al día. - Café, infusiones.
- Bebidas sin azúcar ni zumos de fruta
Nota importante: Se puede cambiar el orden de los grupos de alimentos a voluntad de un día para otro, aunque no se puede repetir grupos de alimentos en un mismo día.
Si por el horario de comidas no se puede esperar las 4 horas, se perderá un grupo de alimentos ese día.
Edulcorante recomendado: Aspartamo.
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What to Do When Antiobiotics Fail to Treat Acne

Some call it the "acne antibiotic game". First comes tetracycline, then comes doxycycline, and then your doctor finally recommends erythromycin. But what do you do when these common antibiotics fail to control your acne outbreaks? Well typically, your dermatologist might suggest isotretinoin- the ultimate prescription acne drug.

But why is isotretinoin the final pharmaceutical answer for acne? It's probably because excessive or inappropriate usage of antibiotics could lead to gram-negative folliculitis. Gram-negative folliculitis is caused by bacterial interference, and replacement of the gram-positive bacteria on the face and within the mucous membranes of the nose, with gram-negative bacteria.

And while acne is readily diagnosed, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, incidences of gram-negative folliculitis are probably underestimated in patients with re-occurring and difficult to treat acne.

Even though isotretinoin has been successfully used to treat gram-negative folliculitis, this potent acne drug is not always accessible to acne sufferers because of health or monetary reasons. So the question arises- are there other methods to control or destroy gram-negative bacteria and bring acne outbreaks under control?

Two proteins that bring acne aggravating bacteria under control Researchers from the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center at Denver, Colorado have discovered that the protein lactoferrin changes the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. As lactoferrin disrupts the protective barrier of the gram-negative bacterium, this new vulnerability allows another anti-microbial protein called lysozyme to further destroy the bacterium.

At-home acne remedy The gram-negative fighters lactoferrin and lysozyme occur naturally in products such as milk. Likewise, whey protein contains several anti-bacterial proteins including lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme and immunoglobulins. You can make an at-home acne mask to help abate pimple outbreaks by using whey protein. (Whey protein is widely available in health food stores.)

Step 1: Cleanse your face using warm water and a clean washcloth. Pat face dry.
Step 2: In a bowl, mix one tablespoon of whey protein with just enough water to create a paste.
Step 3: Apply the paste to your face and allow to dry for 5-10 minutes
Step 4: Rinse off the paste with warm water and a face cloth. Apply moisturizer.

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4 Do's And 4 Don'ts In Treating Acne

Acne treatments are not always found over the counter and they do not always have to be prescribed by a doctor. The best way to treat acne is to actually treat it from within. Here are 4 Do's and 4 Don'ts in treating acne from the inside out.

The 4 Do's:
1. Do increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. These natural foods that are loaded with vitamins and minerals are the best acne fighters around. For example, green, leafy vegetables and orange or yellow-colored fruits are rich in Vitamin A. Vitamin A prevents overproduction of sebum which is what causes acne. Oranges, strawberries, broccoli, bell peppers, and lemon juice are some Vitamin C rich foods that are also great acne treatments. Eating these types of foods fortifies the body's defense system against acne-causing microbes and aids faster healing of acne. Furthermore, Vitamin C helps your body restore its sources of Vitamin E, which is essential in revitalizing the skin and repairing damaged skin.

2. Do drink lots of water. Make sure you get the recommended 8-9 glasses of water a day. Drinking lots of water not only replenishes the body's water supply, but also flushes out toxins from the body that may cause acne.

3. Do relax. Stress, worrying, and pressure can disrupt your body's natural balance and lead to health problems such as acne. Avoid acne and skin problems from happening by relaxing yourself. Getting a massage, going to the spa, taking a long bath, getting enough sleep, or simply managing your time and schedule better are considered acne treatments because they reduce acne-inducing stress.

4. Do have a good skin care routine. Nip an acne problem in the bud by establishing a daily facial washing, toning, and moisturizing regimen early on. Non-comodegenic skin care products are specially formulated for sensitive skin with acne.

Now for the 4 Don'ts:
1. Don't unnecessarily touch your face. Touching your face, especially with dirty hands and fingers, could cause and further aggravate an acne problem. This also means don't pick, squeeze, squish, or rub acne. Doing so will traumatize the skin and make the healing process a lot slower. It could also lead to unwanted acne scars and blemishes.

2. Don't consume sugary foods or sugary drinks. Stay away from cakes, cookies, chocolates, candies, sodas and anything that has refined sugar as a main ingredient. Sugar clogs pores and dries out the skin, which are two main causes of acne.

3. Don't use oil-based products. Skin with acne is already battling an overproduction of oil (sebum) so don't exacerbate the problem by using oil-based products. Watch out for typically oily products such as moisturizers, facial creams, and including hair gels. Hair often gets in the face and hair products would definitely affect the skin on the face. There are many acne treatments and products that are water-based and thus gentler and more appropriate for acne-prone skin.

4. Don't scrub or exfoliate skin with acne. Rough treatment of skin with acne will only cause skin inflammation and make the acne problem worse. Additionally, don't use harsh chemicals, soaps, or cleansers on sensitive skin with acne.

Acne treatments are not limited to creams and gels that you buy from drugstores. You can effectively treat acne just by simply taking care of your body.

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Bienfaits du sauna

Bienfaits du sauna

There seems to be a lot of controversy going around lately about whether or not a sauna will help you to burn calories and lose weight. Some people think that the whole thing is just a myth, and some people swear by it.

A lot of the sauna manufacturing companies will tell you that saunas definitely help you lose weight and calories, but this information is not as believable coming from someone who wants to sell you their sauna! Some of these companies' websites even have so called "doctors" who will answer any questions you may have about their saunas, but these people are employed by the company, and are still just trying to sell you their sauna.

Sitting inside of a hot sauna for any period of time will make you sweat. Sweating releases fluid from your body. The longer you sweat, the more fluid you will lose, and this fluid loss is really the only weight loss that you see from sauna use. Once you are done with the sauna for the day, it is highly recommended that you drink lots of water after you've cooled off. This basically puts the lost fluid right back inside of your body.

Many sauna companies boldly state that just twenty or thirty minutes inside of their sauna will burn anywhere from three hundred to one thousand calories. This is simply not possible. People are always looking for an easier way to burn calories than exercise, but exercise is the only efficient way to really get rid of calories. Sitting in a sauna for thirty minutes may burn up to three hundred calories, but this type of calorie burn will not have the same effect on your body as the calories burned during exercise.

Calories burnt off while sitting in a sauna are just calories burnt. There is no muscle building, no fat shedding, no after burn (VERY important!) and no muscle strengthening or toning. When you choose to burn calories through exercise, you not only burn more calories, but you also build and tone your muscle, and you get rid of the excess fat on your body. If you choose the right kinds of aerobics exercises, you will also get the added benefit of after burn. After burn is what the body does after you have finished exercising. After burn can burn calories up to fourteen hours after you have stopped exercising. If the only reason you are using a sauna is to lose weight, there are much better things you can be doing to achieve your goal.

Saunas are great for all kinds of other things though, and they can even help you to feel better about yourself. They will improve your skin, your health and your body. If they are used properly and safely, saunas will do a lot for you. I suggest using one at least two or three times a week, and I also recommend a good, weekly exercise routine for those who want to lose weight.

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Natural Blood Purifiers Help Improve Health And Energy Level (Lucas Naruka)

Natural blood purifiers help improve health and energy level by eliminating toxins from the skin and this definitely promotes good health. If your blood is filled with toxins, then basic functions of your vital organs and the functionality of your entire body will degenerate. Our digestive system absorbs the nutrients from the food we consume and then move on to circulatory system where blood plays the main part. Then the blood carries the nutrients to all vital organs, and then supplies the fuel to organs. However, the foods we consume also allow some impurities inside the body. So blood circulates nutrients along with toxins and this can badly affect your overall health.

Blood is a good carrier of oxygen, which is very important to live. Blood brings oxygen to each and every cell and keeps them active. But when we breathe in a polluted atmosphere, we also breathe many toxins and other impurities along with the oxygen, which fills toxins inside the blood. A toxic blood can affect us badly and make us sick. So it is very important to purify the blood every now and then. According to studies, natural blood purifiers help improve health and energy level and eliminate toxins effectively from blood and maintain good health. You will have long and healthy life when your blood is purified.

You can see the following symptoms of sickness in an individual whose blood includes high level of toxins:

1. Skin issues like psoriasis, acne, rashes and eczema

2. Severe sluggishness

3. Unhealthy and lifeless skin

4. Sensitivity to infections because of weak immune system.

You can't call a person with above mentioned signs a healthy person. So try to stay healthy, energetic and fit, you need to purify your blood with the help of natural blood purifiers because natural blood purifiers help improve health and energy level. When we say natural blood purifiers that doesn't mean particular kind of products should be used to cleanse the blood. Certain foods that help in purifying are also the natural blood purifiers. Fresh vegetables and fruits help us to wash out the toxins from our body; they can also be called as natural blood purifiers. Glisten Plus capsule is one of the best herbal blood purifier; it is made natural nutrients and herbs. The cleansing properties of herbs used in Glisten Plus capsules are excellent and naturally enhance your overall health and energy levels.

We often take many medications in our routine life. Some of the medicines have an adverse effect on your liver. Damaged liver function disturbs the digestive system and this makes the process of purification difficult. When the detoxification process doesn't happen properly, toxins multiply in blood and make you severely sick. This can be prevented if you take natural blood purifiers. Glisten Plus capsules are one of the best and recommended natural blood purifiers available in the market these days. Along with Glisten Plus capsules you should also adapt a good and healthy lifestyle to stay strong and lead a long life.

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Three Effective Acne Treatment Methods (John Marcova)

One of the most common skin problem experienced by people in the present times is acne. Its intensity can vary from mild to severe and can leave behind scars which often become permanent. Removal of the scars become troublesome and may prove to be cost intensive. The problem of acne crops up during the period of puberty. It generally goes away with time after puberty. However, it gets difficult to drive away acne for some people. Medical science has developed many ways to treat this unwanted skin problem.

Various drugs, ointments and natural medications are available for the treatment of acne. If you think your scars are on the verge of becoming permanent then go for laser treatment. Laser treatment is an effective acne treatment method which requires a good post therapy care. You may be filled with negative feelings if you have acne. It is common among people suffering from severe acne. Sometimes, blackheads can also develop into ugly pimples and become cystic. For such conditions proper care is required.

Acne treatment methods

Systematic procedures: It consists of internal medication through oral pills and injections. Medical supervision is necessary for this kind of treatment. However, it has some major side effects.

Tropical procedures: They do not need medical supervision. They are milder than the other kinds of drugs. They consist of prescribed as well as non-prescribed drugs.

Dermatological procedures: There are different types of dermatological methods and they vary with severity of the acne problem. Other medications are used along with these methods to eliminate acne.

Skin problems such as acne occur when oil glands produce excess oil. Hormonal changes in teenagers lead to this problem. However, this problem is not just confined to teenagers. People from other age group are prone to this problem as well.

One of the most popular methods of losing weight in the present times is acupuncture. Acupuncture weight loss procedures have no side effects and are one of the safest and the most effective means of shedding those extra pounds. Acupuncture Sydney has other health benefits too. It treats problems of sleeplessness and pain issues that crop up during old age.

Acupuncture and beauty offer alternative and effective Acupuncture weight loss procedures and Dermatological procedures to cure the problem of Acne.
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5 Easy Ways To Keep Skin Healthy And Avoid Acne Blemish

So often, the simplest instructions are overlooked as we jump to the most expensive solutions. If you are suffering from acne and/or other blemishes you may be inclined to go out and purchase Proactive or one of the other pricey acne blemish treatments advertised on late night infomercials. Before you do you may want to try the following solutions. Ironically, some have found them to not only be cheaper but more effective than Proactive.

1. Over-washing can increase oil and irritate problem skin. Facial scrubs should be limited to 2-3 per week so as to give your skin time to create new cells.

2. Drink plenty of water as water hydrates your body and skin, which is extremely important in particular for anyone with dry skin. Try to drink water processed through Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU).

3. Take supplements. A good multi-vitamin and vitamin E are great for the skin and overall health but stay away from mega doses as research does not prove out that there is extra benefit from doing so. You will only waste your money and in the case of Vitamin E, you can reach levels of toxicity. Oh, and don't forget to get the Omega 3 Fatty Acids. The best way to do this is 1 gram a day of pharmaceutical grade fish oil.

4. A twenty minute aerobic exercise 5 times a week, preferably in the AM. Make sure you are sweating, the natural cooling system for the body as well as a great means to rid the skin of impurities.

5. Acne and blemish proof your face. Only use lotions without alcohol and try to periodically clean out your pores with 5-10 minutes of steam in order to alleviate the body toxin build up and open the pores to breath again

Well, that's it for now. Hope this helps. Have a great day. Take care of you today. You deserve the best.

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Acne Herbal Solutions

Despite a person's age, one of the most frustrating known conditions to deal with is acne. Although we often label this condition as a teenager's problem, it's something that can last well into our adult lives. In fact, some people may struggle with acne their entire lifetime. Finding acne products that work in relieving and treating the symptoms can be a tiresome challenge. Many of the well-known treatments are filled with abrasive and harsh chemicals that can irritate the sensitive skin of the face. A much better alternative that seems to work well for many are the vast range of acne herbal remedies.

There are many misconceptions regarding why some people are more prone to blemishes than others. We've all heard that not washing your face often and thorough enough, or eating chocolate and oily foods can lead to breakouts. Although the cause of each individual case may vary, treatments usually work well regardless of what's at the root cause of the acne. Acne herbal remedies and traditional treatments are designed to fight the blemishes and act to make them vanish.

Researching the available acne treatments is a fairly simple task with the convenience of the Internet. Some natural products can be difficult to find so it's a good idea to stick to acne herbal remedies that are readily available nearby. There are actually many savvy techniques that can be used to combat this skin condition that involves products or items that you may already have in your own home.

Toothpaste is used for more than just keeping your teeth and gums clean. Many people don't give it much thought when placing it into the acne herbal remedies section, but it actually does. A small amount of toothpaste placed on a blemish before going to bed can help dry it out more quickly. The best toothpaste to use is likely one that is mint flavored. It's recommended to stay away from the colored pastes or those that have mouthwash in them.

Strawberry leaves have more benefits for women in terms of treating this cumbersome skin problem. Acne herbal remedies that use strawberry leaves just require the woman to wash her face as she normally would and then lay the leaves on the areas where the blemishes are appearing. The leaves have a cool, soothing quality to them which can remove some of the swelling that often occurs with a break-out.

Lemon juice is something that can be found practically anywhere and has been shown to be effective for some in battling acne. When using lemon juice as an herbal remedy for acne, choose fresh lemons and do the squeezing yourself. Apply the fresh juice to any blemishes. The acid in the juice helps to dry the pimple more quickly and you'll be left with a clearer complexion in a short time.

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Acne Treatments: The Cheap Option Or The Potent Stuff?

If you scour the shelves of a pharmacy or drug store, you'll most likely find numerous brands of over-the-counter treatment for acne more than you can count with your fingers. among other skin infections,There are likely to be ingredients common to said treatments for skin infections, though none are exactly the same. If the problem is something that your typical medication can handle, it is probably best you consult a skin care professional.

In most cases, these readily available measures achieve the simple goal of alleviating your acne problem without causing any discomfort. Of course, given individual reactions to the chemicals in the skin treatments, that may not always be the case. Prescription medication, which is typically more potent, may also cause the same unwanted side-effects as those that come from over-the-counter products.

Various factors influence the effectiveness of an over-the-counter or prescription acne treatment product. You might be inclined to wonder which of the two would be the best acne medication, with minimal possible side effects. Well, the answer to this is that all medications can potentially cause side effects. Every person's skin will react differently to different drugs or medications.

Let's take a look at this whole thing objectively, shall we? Or at least, with as much objectivity a single person can have. Hopefully, if we do that we can find the best acne medication, or at least something close to it.  In theory, there may be no such thing as a best medication, as individual skin chemistry can easily get in the way.

First off, over-the-counter medication for your average range of skin infections, let alone acne, is nowhere near as potent as your typical prescription treatment. This may stem from either the differences in the basic chemical composition or how concentrated the key ingredients of the treatments are. A prescription acne treatment may clear up the problem faster, but the potency of the chemicals can cause side effects more readily than the over-the-counter variants. That means that your life can get back to normal a lot faster, seeing as how you've got one less thing to worry about.

However, despite being less effective (and that's something that's just this side of being arguable), over-the-counter stuff is significantly cheaper. Unless you've somehow gotten a case of monumentally bad acne, you should go and try an over-the-counter treatment first. They may not be as potent, but they very often can do the job on their own. If they're not helping, you shouldn't hesitate to seek professional help. Medical insurance may or many not entirely cover your costs, as this sort of thing is something that varies depending on the details of your coverage.

The lower potency of the drugs can also be a boon rather than a bane, for some people. You see, every once in a while, the combination of skin, acne, and other factors is going to produce a person with very sensitive skin. The kind of skin that turns red and swells to the size of a grapefruit at the slightest touch of benzoyl peroxide, or something similar. However, lower chemical potency means that you're also less likely to run into a nasty side effect.

There's also the matter of convenience to be considered here. An over-the-counter product is obviously easier to get your hands on. Go to a drug store, find medication for acne that you like or think would work, and pay for it at the counter. Simple, clean, and there's not a whole lot of time involved. In contrast, if you need to get one that's prescription-required, that involves the time to set up the appointment, the consultation, and all that other good stuff.

There's also the matter of an individual's skin. Your skin is unique and how it might react to something is different from how someone else's skin might react. Your skin may be tougher than most, or it can be easier to scar than most. Medications are set to a specific formula when they're made.

Finally, you may want to keep in mind not to mix and match your treatments. Drug interaction is a leading cause of side effects, aside from poor interaction with the patient's skin. Skin infections like acne can be made worse if you mix two treatments together, such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. The warning about drug interaction holds true even when you mix together over-the-counter medication and prescription ones, even if the two have ingredients in common.

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Dealing With The After-Effects Of Acne

Acne, unlike your typical infection, is not something that's over and done with if you manage to make it go away. You still have to deal with the after-effects left behind by the problem. Acne scarring is one of the most common problems encountered during the post-infection stage.  If not treated properly, acne can leave physical marks. Acne scarring, with the social stigma that it tends to generate, may end up becoming an even bigger problem than the acne that caused it.  No wonder, some people actually see depression as one of the more serious effects of this kind of skin problem.

Treating the acne problem properly at the early stages of infection is critical to prevent the formation of scars. There is a wide array of things you may do to lower the chances of scar formation. The first and most important step is to control the skin infection.  Other important things to remember in controlling acne include the following:

Treat the acne infection as early as possible. This reduces the chances of scars forming later on.Avoid using more than one treatment unless advised by a doctor. Multiple treatments may only cause drug interaction side effects.If your acne is creating cysts, avoid attempting to prick or tamper with them in any way. Doing so may increase your chances of the cyst forming a scar later on.Whenever possible, prevent inflammation. Statistically speaking, areas that have experienced inflammation during an acne outbreak tend to form scars afterwards.

If you develop acne scars, you would be better off avoiding any sort of treatment you found over the Internet, regardless of what it claims to be. Internet remedies are ill-advised measures, as all actual medications for acne scarring require a doctor's prescription and may only be obtained through the office of a medical professional. The Internet remedies simply don't work, even if they could theoretically relieve the acne that caused the scars, so you may find it a better idea to consult a dermatologist.

There are more than a few ways to fix acne scarring, if you find the need for it.  The likelihood that your dermatologist will suggest one from among the following forms of surgery will vary depending on how deep your acne scars run and how severe the problem actually is.

Dermabrasion, which involves the use of machinery with diamond-tipped blades to cut away the scarred skin, is one such option. If you only have shallow scarring left over from your acne, then your doctor might suggest this type of scar-removal surgery. It removes the scar tissue to let the skin replace the removed sections naturally, leaving you with a new layer of skin. Naturally, creams and treatments are used to help in the healing process.

Another option is through the use of pinpoint medical lasers, albeit this is an option that is not suggested very often. Laser surgery works on the same general concept as dermabrasion, though you would be put under a high-powered laser rather than a set of diamond-bladed tools. This method is seen to be more accurate than using the aforementioned technique, and may sometimes be recommended for slightly deeper acne scars. However, this is undertaken and suggested only by the people with experience in this type of surgery, as the slightest mishandling can cause damage that's not just skin-deep.

If the state of your scarring is not that severe or pronounced, a dermatologist can offer chemical treatments rather than surgery. These treatments operate on the same idea as the two above treatments, but work on an entirely different level. This might involve the use of acids in removing the layer of skin that has the scars, allowing the body to naturally repair the damaged skin. As with both of the above methods, there are some additional products given to help the skin heal after the treatment. Also, excessive or improper use of these treatments can cause side effects that are disastrous on the skin.

It is also important to be aware that discoloration usually occurs when there is an inflammation in the skin.  These discolored spots should not be immediately considered as acne scars.  In some cases, they discoloration occurs due to the increase of blood flow to that part of the skin. For that reason, it is always best to consult a skin care professional to help determine whether some areas are just discolored or if they are actual acne scars.   Being well-informed will help keep your skin safe.  Moreover, having a proper diagnosis will help you make a decision on whether your next skin care treatment will involved surgery or not.

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Dependencia de benzodiacepinas

Fármacos eficaces para tratar la ansiedad y el insomnio, son los más utilizados en todo el mundo y actualmente hay personas dependientes de ellas sin que sean conscientes de ello. Se sabe que su eficacia no se mantiene a más de un año. Su uso más común es el tratamiento de los trastornos emocionales, el insomnio y algunos casos de espasticidad muscular. También es el tratamiento de elección para la desintoxicación de alcohólicos.
Cuando se administran vía oral tienen distinta velocidad de absorción. Dosis múltiples, pueden dar fenómenos de acumulación, de forma que los efectos pueden persistir varios días tras la interrupción de un tratamiento continuado.
Son medicamentos relativamente seguros, aunque su uso para el insomnio se suele desarrollar una tolerancia y producen a menudo resaca matinal. Pueden afectar el rendimiento cognitivo y psicomotor, luego afecta a la conducción de vehículos y más aún cuando se mezcla con alcohol.
Se ha demostrado que tras la ingesta de benzodiacepinas en periodos prolongados, aparecen signos y síntomas de abstinencia, aunque tienen menor capacidad de abuso y menor susceptibilidad de producir dependencia que otros barbitúricos o hipnosedantes. De todas formas debemos dosificarlas lo más bajo posible porque tendremos menos efectos adversos. Evitar la repetición de la prescripción en pacientes con graves problemas de personalidad.
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Precautions before treating acne (Dora Lee)

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Natural or alternative treatment for Acne

If you have a young physical aura, keep in mind that a nice skin you have should not last if you put hard work into its contents. A typical meeting of the tension and anxiety may help cause of excessive oil production and eventually create the formation of acne. Facial massage is a magic potion that shrinks the fleshiness, unattractive sagging muscles and even tissue and increases blood circulation.

The woman is too much exposure at work or under the influence of the sun hardly could maintain a glowing skin, except by putting on creams, lotions and other products that could bring her a protective shield against the Sun's heat rays annoying. Smiling is often one of the best ways to help exercise muscles of the face and jaw, which generates a good and smooth blood circulation. Do not engage in stressful work itself because it will affect your hormonal functions. Give the necessary care for your skin through basic schemes and you will be happily satisfied Acne Free. While you're young, start giving your skin the necessary attention. Go to the massage parlor and have the skin, treat yourself to a relaxing massage once or twice a month as a special treat for your skin. You want to know what the doctor does for Acne? According to many doctors and researches, theres no reason for anybody to put up with severe acne because of today's drugs. Persistent Acne can affect self-esteem and confidence.

The psychological, social and sexual effects of acne are very visible and social consequences can be serious. Children whose parents had been suffering from severe acne should be treated fairly young, especially if they begin to show signs of acne. When a person needs to see a dermatologist for his or her acne? Most dermatologists probably could have unison response when it is bothering you. In this case, the severity of the skin condition, or is in the eye of the beholder. See a dermatologist if you use benzoyl products for six to eight weeks and still you have the same problem of acne. If you see in the mirror that your acne is more than a match head, you have nodules, which are at the end of your little finger, or any scars from Acne; Then it is a signal that you seek for your help dermatologists. It is extremely important to see a dermatologist before scarring occurs.

Did you know that the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects are vital for the treatment of acne? Bacteria and inflammation of acne condition must be a counteracted. Making no interference, simply multiply the bacteria and decrease the inflammation of acne. There are various body conditions which have to be well thought out before applying any treatment. If possible you should seek medical advice, whether a particular treatment will cause no harm to your health. Let us say, in the treatment of acne have you tried special treatment like antibiotics and topical acne does not respond well to the inflamed pimples. It is advisable for you to try other antibiotics that are in pill form for a more effective medical outcome. Besides taking pills rolled antibiotics easier and more convenient. Agents antibiotics help reduce acne bacteria and reduce inflammation. How to take the medicine? It is advisable for you to take the capsules as directed by the fat-containing food products. You can drink milk until you take the capsules. Why is it so?

Added fats in food helps acne for complete absorption and makes delivery of medication on the skin more effectively. You face Microdermabrasion treatment? This type of treatment is sought for the treatment of infected skin and reduce acne scarring and blemishes. In addition, this procedure is to prevent the blocking of congested pores. Microdermabrasion is a treatment that is not administered by anyone except qualified dermatologists. What is good about Microdermabrasion? This technique promises painless process, so the patient can not be under sedation. For free from the infection condition of skilled surgical expert only performs Microdermabrasion surgery under sterile conditions. Dead cells are sucked out of the Jets did a fine crystal. This useful technique blocked pores is washed away; Therefore, the skin is regenerated healthfully. Never expose your skin to the Sun or wind, because any effect either of them was peeling and the negative reaction. The patient should be careful during postoperative care, because the skin tends to swell and Redden. Great results of Microdermabrasion is not always guaranteed.

Along with its operation per se is very delicate, so only expert hands to handle this kind of special treatment. If the patient underwent surgery, he or she must respect the many dos and donts in order not to aggravate the condition and reduce the recovery period. Did you know that you should be alert of your hygiene? You may have to try different types of medication for decades, but if you've never tool with almost complete personal care, you just threw your bread for futile treatments. Cleansing your face regularly with plain water and a mild liquid cleanser can help you eliminate dust that has accumulated on the skin of the face. You need to regularly change their clothes and underwear to stay away from potential bacteria.

If you live in a dusty area where cell phones that pass through unpaved roads generate a lot of dust, or if you are in the antique room, you should wash your body after exposure to dust. If you ignore the dust, which probably infiltrated your skin when clogged pores have different bacteria and waste of skin, acne, pimples or blemish can appear. You don't have to be perfectly clean, however, because too much can be removed to wash off your body with the required amount of oil, which respectively lead to drying of the skin off. Always in mind to promote basic hygiene to prevent acne by causing agents other than heredity.

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Tratamiento del asma bronquial

No todo paciente con disnea y “pitos” tiene un asma bronquial, y no todo asma bronquial es necesariamente alérgico. Se trata de una enfermedad inflamatoria de las vías aéreas, que conlleva una variable obstrucción del flujo aéreo reversible.
Se llama extrínseco cuando está provocado por aeroalergenos y cuando su patogenia permanece oscura, se llama intrínseco.
En los 2 ó 3 primeros años de vida, suele estar causado por virus y la terapéutica suele ser sintomática. Como consecuencia el niño asmático no alérgico, suele empezar a mejorar a los 3 años de vida y se cura espontáneamente a los 7-8. Se administran antitusígenos y antibióticos a un niño con frecuentes accesos de tos, sobre todo si se acompañan de pitos que aumentan con el ejercicio. Pero si el niño es atópico, el tratamiento debe basarse en broncodilatadores y no en antitusígenos, y administrar antimicrobianos en un asma afebril atópico, también es una postura incorrecta.
En el asma alérgico la terapéutica preventiva con esteroides inhalados es correcta, pero cuando el paciente se encuentra bien se debe disminuir la medicación profiláctica. Debemos establecer una adecuada inmunoterapia hiposensibilizante específica. Esta inmunoterapia, se debe suspender durante la gestación, pero si se puede y debe mantenerse la medicación profiláctica que viniese tomando la paciente, así como la medicación sintomática si fuese necesario.
Respecto al asma por sensibilización a animales domésticos, es un error creer que basta solo con su eliminación, aunque mejorará, pueden existir repetidos contactos desapercibidos capaces de mantener los síntomas.
Dentro del asma de tipo intrínseco, es más grave aquel que se controla sólo con esteroides, y suele incidir más frecuente en edades tardías. En estos casos, nunca se debe interrumpir de forma súbita el tratamiento con esteroides y debemos ser cautos a la hora de tomar anagésicos-antiinflamatorios, quizás sea mejor usar en caso necesario el paracetamol comenzando con pequeñas dosis.
Por último, en las crisis no debemos usar antibióticos de forma indiscriminada, y sí administrar mayor dosis de esteroides, con protección gástrica.
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You Can Control Your Breakouts (Camille Ocon)

Are you tired of those annoying red bumps all over your face? Acne is no fun, but it is possible to clear your face once and for all! Follow our helpful and easy tips and you will start to see the clear face that you have only dreamed of.

Acne can be treated efficiently by a professional dermatologist. If your insurance covers dermatology visits, or you have the finances to pay on your own, you should go see a dermatologist. Dermatologists have deep knowledge about all types of skin problems and will select the most effective, medical-grade techniques to treat your specific type of acne.

If you're just starting to break out, stop the acne spread before it gets worse. Even if you only have barely visible acne on your face, go to your local pharmacy and shop for some skin cleaning products. Those tailored to fight acne are best, but any product that cleans your pores works well, also.

Cut back on dairy and meat products in your diet to help with acne. This is good for you because meat and dairy often contain hormones which can adversely affect your skin.

If you are currently using products to help with the treatment of acne, remember to take into account the frequency of your application. Excessive application of acne products can actually exacerbate the problem, causing more acne in place of the clear skin you are trying to achieve. Follow the instructions, and with patience you will be on your way to better skin.

Having a clearer face may be as simple as taking a dip in the ocean. It is known that salt water has a positive effect on acne. It drys up the oils that cause breakouts, leaving you with a smooth result. You can also make your own salt water and wash daily.

To avoid acne, you should be careful about what you eat. Certain aliments contain a lot of sugars and fats: this causes your skin to become greasy and break out. Try eating healthier by introducing more fruits and vegetables in your diet and avoiding fast food, sweets and drinks filled with sugar.

Don't use multiple acne treatments at once. While it may be tempting to try as many acne creams and lotions as possible, if you use more than one at a time, you run the risk of damaging your skin. Certain acne creams contain very powerful ingredients that can be quite harsh on your skin, and in some cases, they could react with each other and cause irreparable damage.

Whether you exercise at the gym, home, at school, or participate in sports, remember to shower after breaking an intense sweat. While sweat is good for clearing out your pores, it's not good when it remains on your skin to fester and soak back in. Take a shower to wash off any remaining dirt, skin flakes, and bacteria to avoid acne.

As you can see, clearing your face of blemishes is easy. You can clear your face of those annoying bumps and feel more comfortable with your nice, clean, fresh, clear face. Getting rid of acne is easy and you can do it by following the tips above. Don't wait any longer, clear skin can be yours.

With the use of acne soap, you can be certain that you'll get rid of skin problems. This is proven to be effective and safe as well.
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Ways to Treat Acne - Available Ways to Treat Acne

There are many ways to treat acne that you may not even be aware of. If you are suffering from this skin condition you will want to consider everything that is available to you. This is the only way to ensure that you get the best treatment for you particular situation. Remember, the best way for you to treat your acne may not be the best for somebody else; and vice versa. But when you know what ways to treat acne are most effective you should be able to put yourself in a good position as soon as this problem comes up.

If you are looking for ways to treat acne you may want to consider doing so on your own. In other words, you do not have to go to the dermatologist if you want to get help with your acne. There are many acne products that you can buy at your local drug store. Look for topical solutions that are know to be effective, and let them try to do the job before you do anything else. You never know; you could find the best way to treat acne without having to ask a professional.

If your acne is a bit more advanced, you may want to touch base with a dermatologist. This will allow you to get your hands on prescription medicines that are often times more powerful than the ones that you can buy over the counter. Additionally, a dermatologist will know the best ways to treat acne if you are having a major problem. This is better than trying to fix things yourself, and only getting set back.

As you can see, there are many ways to treat acne. If you think that you need help you should start out at your local drug store. And if this does not work, you will want to move onto seeing a doctor. This will allow you to get the best of the best in acne treatments.

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Inflamación de las articulaciones, en la que hay irremediablemente una destrucción articular. Su diagnóstico temprano es importante, para establecer cuanto antes, una adecuada pauta de tratamiento.
Cuando tenemos dolor y rigidez lumbar durante más de 3 meses que mejora con el ejercicio y no con el reposo, ya debemos sospechar. Los dolores, lumbares, dorso-lumbares, torácicos y cervicales, evolucionan por brotes, característicamente nocturnos y matinales, que se atenúan después de un tiempo variable de rigidez. Para diagnosticar la espondilitis anquilosante, el criterio es radiológico, junto al menos un criterio clínico. Respecto al tema genético, es frecuente encontrar positivo el antígeno HLA-B27, pero no siempre ocurre.
Las artritis periféricas, de miembros inferiores, suelen ser asimétricas y afectar a menos de 3 articulaciones por brote.
El tratamiento incluye fisioterapia, activa y pasiva, y antiinflamatorios no esteroideos. Debe ser un tratamiento sostenido aún en fases de remisión. A la mayoría de los pacientes se les puede recomendar la práctica de cualquier deporte.
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Is There Really an Acne Treatment that Works?

It strikes people young and old without discretion, and it seems almost impossible to get rid of, yet the drug store shelves are lined with treatments that give promises of clear skin. What is a person to think? Is there really an acne treatment that works, or are they all just blowing smoke?

There are several acne treatments that are being promoted heavily by those in the media. One of the more popular ones is proactive, that is being touted as the end all of acne treatments. My son has used this product and it did clear his acne to a certain extent but as soon as he stops using it the acne comes right back. Now this is, in all honesty, a good acne treatment, but it does nothing to cure the problem, but it sure does sell a heck of a lot of product.

There are also plenty of over the counter pads and lotions that will dry your skin, but you could really do the same thing or better by using sea salt and vinegar. So yes, they do work but why put an unnatural, man made thing on your skin if you didn't have to?

I have found that discovering what is at the root of the acne problem and treating that is the best way to cure your acne once and for all. I've known people who have had liver problems as the source of their acne problems and a little lemon water and red beets seemed to clean their skin quite a bit. So if you really want to clear your skin then use a natural acne treatment that works, not a drug store potion.

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Este término hace referencia a aquellas afecciones en las que existe una marcada dilatación del colon con estreñimiento.
Aparece también de forma congénita (de nacimiento), muchas veces asociada al síndrome de Down y afecta a diferentes segmentos del colon de mayor o menor longitud. La evacuación del meconio, se atrasa más de 24 horas, hecho infrecuente en el recién nacido normal.
Al principio se controla con laxantes, pero la retención crónica de heces, acaba produciendo un abdomen distendido y síntomas de hiponutrición. El tacto rectal es característico, se nota un tono normal en el esfínter y una ampolla rectal vacía.
Las complicaciones que pueden aparecer, van desde obstrucción intestinal total, enterocolitis fulminante por el estasis de materia fecal o perforación intestinal.
Con la radiología con papilla de bario se observa el retraso de la expulsión del bario de más de 24 horas. Respecto al tratamiento de la enfermedad es quirúrgico.
Cuando se trata de un magacolon adquirido, la psicoterapia es una parte importante del tratamiento, junto a la administración continua y regular de laxantes.
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Acne - The Testosterone Connection

Acne is a skin condition that affects both young men and young women alike. Not only that, acne is increasingly occurring in adults, and is an embarrassing problem for millions of men and women well into their thirties and forties. Has acne gotten worse over the past twenty years, or are we just imagining it?

Is it because we now have the internet and information is shared much more readily and easily that we know the true depth of the acne problem, or has it really become somewhat of an epidemic?

Well, my personal opinion is that acne has gotten much more widespread, especially in adults, and there may be any number of reasons for that, but at the heart of acne there is a culprit that can be both our friend, and in the case of acne, our enemy.

It's the male hormone (or androgen), testosterone. More specifically, it's a specific testosterone called DHT, or Dihydro Testosterone. This specific hormone, when produced in excessive amounts by the body, whether it be a female or male body, creates an environment for the oil glands to go into overdrive producing the natural oils that normally protect and moisturize the skin.

Normally, your oil glands are set to produce just enough oil to create the protective barrier between the environment and your skin, as well as act as a moisturizing agent, keeping the skin hydrated. When the oil glands are corrupted and begin to produce too much oil, things get nasty.
The oil has nowhere else to go, and so it clogs the pores, resulting in blackheads, whiteheads, cystic acne, and smaller acne lesions because of the inflammation caused by the clogged pore.
It's basically a case where your body's natural protective mechanisms are corrupted and begin to work against your skin rather than protect and moisturize it, as nature intended.

This testosterone overload is precisely why the best acne treatments are aimed at helping to balance the hormones again, so that can facilitate the natural equilibrium between estrogenic (female) hormones and androgenic (male) hormones that should exist in every man and woman.
Other effective acne treatments, like the controversial Acutane, otherwise known as isotretinoin, are aimed at actually drying up the oil glands. I happen to shy away from this method, because this means that when you age, you don't have those natural oil glands to protect your skin and keep the elasticity that keeps you looking young.

Acne is usually a problem rooted in hormonal imbalance, and very closely related to periods of life where hormones tend to be imbalanced. This is why people do tend to break out more in their adolescence, when the hormones are still finding their way to balance and the body is still developing and changing, and also in adults, when stressful periods occur, since hormone levels are very sensitive to stress in most individuals.

Some argue that our foods today may be causing increased cases of adolescent and especially adult acne, since our foods tend to contain a lot of hormones or hormone-mimicking compounds in them, and this interferes with the natural hormone balance of our bodies.

This can be solved by picking only natural, organic products, especially when buying your meats, cheeses and dairies which can contain vast amounts of synthetic hormones designed to make the animals produce more milk, which can then be leached by your body and mimic human hormones in the body, upsetting the delicate natural balance.

Another argument may be that stress levels are constantly on the rise in our increasingly busy, hectic lifestyles, and this has impacted the hormone balance of adults, causing acne to increase in the adult population.

Whatever the cause is, we do know that it is usually rooted in hormonal balance, and that DHT is the culprit. If we can find the right product to help our bodies achieve this natural balance again as well as help control the oil production of our oil glands, we've essentially won the battle against acne.

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Three Benefits of Laser Hair Removal (mat carol)

Laser hair removal is a process which involves treating the hair on the face and body with a special laser. After a number of sessions the hair will stop growing back, which will leave you with beautiful smooth and hair-free skin. Laser hair treatment can be used on a wide range of areas, such as on the legs, the bikini line and the underarm area. You can choose to have a specific area targeted, or you can treat a number of problem areas at once. This article takes a look at the three of the biggest benefits of having laser hair removal, and it also explains how you can find and choose a great clinic that specialises in laser hair removal in your area.

Save Time

Laser hair removal will save you plenty of time in the long run. By removing the hair by laser you will be preventing it from growing back, which will save you countless of hours that you would normally have to spend shaving, waxing or plucking the hair on your face and body. Just imagine never having to worry about unwanted hair regrowth ever again! A specialist will be able to take a look at the type of hair that you have in order to tailor make a treatment plan for you.

Save Money

Laser hair removal can save you plenty of money over the years. If you consider how much you have to spend on shaving and hair removal products, such as razors, shaving cream, waxes and other potions and lotions these all can seriously add up. After the laser hair removal treatment you will no longer have to waste money on these products.

Beautiful Hair-Free Skin

Finally, a major benefit of hair removal is that it will prevent the hair from ever growing back. It also removes the hair from the root, leaving you with hair-free skin. Shaving only removes the hair that is above the skin, so it can leave you with black hairs that lie just under the skin, not only this but it can also grow back within 24 hours. With laser hair removal you no longer have to worry about this problem anymore.

How to Choose a Laser Hair Removal Specialist

In order to locate a specialist in your area you can try searching online for their website. The website should list more detailed information on the laser hair removal service and well as their contact details. A specialist will be able to talk you through the process and what you can expect. You may want to ask some additional questions prior to starting laser treatment to ensure that it is right for you, and that you have picked the right company. This can include things like:

* How long have they been doing the treatments for?
* Are they insured?
* How many treatments will be required?
* What aftercare is provided?

Always choose a trusted clinic to ensure that you will be receiving a high quality laser hair treatment and a professional service.

Are you facing facing acne & pimple issues? Although not for everyone, you may find that natural acne treatment in Toronto may be the best cure for you. For more details visit this website.
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Medicina natural

El uso de las plantas con fines terapéuticos se remonta prácticamente desde la prehistoria hasta nuetros días.
Esta medicina y cosmiatría herbolaria tradicional, tiene dos aspectos: Uno, muy positivo, consiste en que a través de incontables experiencias empíricas, ha permitido una selección, si bien no muy justificada desde el punto de vista estrictamente científico, sumamente valiosa de un conjunto muy importante de vegetales, descartándose por inocuos muchos de ellos, o tóxicos en algunos casos particulares.
El aspecto negativo, es el de no poderse determinar -a este nivel de conocimiento- cuál es el mecanismo de acción o los principios activos que dichas plantas poseen, quedando en muchos casos las virtudes terapéuticas enunciadas sobre la base de testimonios personales, opiniones o creencias.
La fitoterapia surge como una nueva disciplina que supera la herboristería tradicional, rescatando por un lado el cúmulo de informaciones históricas, pero sólo a título de orientar la investigación con base científica y apoyándose en aportes tecnológicos, hacia el descubrimiento de los principios activos y su posterior estudio y sistematización.
El aporte realizado por la fitoterapia en lo que va de siglo -especialmente en los últimos 25 años- apoyándose en la química, la biología y la física es invalorable: el arsenal bibliográfico no ha cesado de aumentar; importantes revistas europeas publican sistemáticamente aportes de numerosos países y existen laboratorios de primer nivel dedicados exclusivamente a la producción de extractos vegetales.
A pesar de ello, de las 800.000 especies que se estima existen en nuestro planeta, sólo han sido descritas 250.000 con su respectiva clasificación botánica, de las cuales 80.000 han pasado por ensayos químicos y farmacológicos aislándose solamente 2.000 principios activos, lo que equivale a un conocimiento muy primario pero estimulante para nuevas investigaciones.
Las ventajas del empleo de productos fitoterápicos son numerosas; entre los principales podemos citar:
1) La presencia de principios activos difícilmente sintetizables por la vía química o en el mejor de los casos costosos, o directamente desconocidos pero de actividad comprobada.
2) La acción combinada en un mismo vegetal de dos o más componentes, que al encontrarse juntos, potencian una acción terapéutica determinada.
3) La diversidad de efectos que un mismo extracto puede ejercer sobre el paciente.
4) La ausencia de efectos colaterales: muchos productos de origen sintético pueden ocasionar reacciones imprevisibles, por sí mismos o por impurezas que contengan en su fabricación industrial.
5) La utilización de materias primas fácilmente renovables.
Debemos aclarar que, junto a estas ventajas, nos encontramos con una serie de inconvenientes, todos ellos superables, relacionados con la recolección, manipulación y elaboración de los productos de origen vegetal.
Estos procesos deben realizarse bajo estrictas normas, a fin de garantizar la calidad y posterior normalización (estandarización) de los principios activos.
En la recolección es de capital importancia conocer qué parte de la planta es la que debe usarse, ya que a veces es sólo la raíz la que interesa; otra puede ser sólo las flores y, en diferentes casos, se emplea la planta entera. Por otro lado, se debe tener en cuenta qué época del año es la adecuada, a fin de garantizar una máxima concentración del principio activo, las características del suelo y clima y hasta variables no tan frecuentes como las posibles variaciones genéticas del vegetal. Es necesario además, prevenir adulteraciones o equivocaciones con plantas similares en este paso.
En cuanto a la manipulación, es fundamental el conocimiento de los métodos de secado y envase a fin de preservar los principios activos, etapa previa a la extracción de los mismos, de la cual deriva el proceso de elaboración del producto fitoterápico.
La normalización o estandarización de los extractos vegetales, implica que cada uno de ellos debe ser valorado (cantidad de principio activo por unidad de peso o volumen).  Ésta es la forma científica de presentar el producto, y la tecnología actual lo permite.
Resolver estos aspectos significa pasar a una verdadera jerarquización de este tipo de terapias y representa el desafío actual de esta disciplina…
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Best Ways of Acne Treatment (John Marcova)

Acne is a very commonly known skin related problem. Though; acne in people can differ on the basis of type as it can range from small breakouts to serious inflammations. The best part is that today various treatments for acne are available in the form of laser treatments, topical applications, acupuncture treatments, herbal remedies and medication. Mostly all these ways of treatment work on the basis of one of the three basic working principles which can be either targeting the bacteria causing acne, or freeing the pores from blockage or reduction of inflammation. There are a few natural methods that are based on herbal remedies, antioxidants and vitamins which focus on changing metabolism for acne treatment.

Basically the cause of this commonest of skin problems has been found to be the hyperactivity of the oil glands in the skin. Though the most probable time when acne affects an individual is adolescence due to the hormonal changes going on in the body but it can also affect you at any age. In some very unfortunate cases people even have to face acne all their life in the form of periodic breakouts. The causes of it are varied. The causes are like heredity, hormonal imbalance, increased level of stress, oily skin, and negative effects of medication and also deficiency of certain nutrients.

Acupuncture that is very famous for treating pain related issues in body like back pain acupuncture has been found to be very effective in acne treatment. Basically there are two types of treatment which are the electro and auricular acupuncture. The best part about using acupuncture for the treatment of acne is that it has no side effects. The process starts with an initial assessment that basically gathers knowledge about the severity of your problem and then the treatment begins with the insertion of needles in your body. The important part here is that these needles are different from the ones used in syringes for puncturing the skin. Thus all it does is just give the skin a sensation of pressure being applied on it. Once the procedure with needle is over you would be prescribed herbal medication which are very effective and have no side effects. Looking for acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture and beauty offer alternative and effective acupuncture treatments to reduces the level of stress and Dermatological procedures to cure the problem of Acne.
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régime pour diabétique

régime pour diabétique

Le corps d'un diabétique ne produit pas suffisamment d'insuline pour gérer les niveaux de sucre dans le corps. Par conséquent, il est important que les diabétiques suivent strictement un plan tracé d'aliments à faible régime strict sucre dans le sang. Une alimentation riche en fibres, mais pauvre en graisses est le plus souvent recommandé pour les diabétiques. Les aliments qui sont riches en fibres peuvent aider à abaisser le niveau de glucose dans le corps. Manger de plus petits repas et de manger plus fréquemment tout au long de la journée vous aidera à maintenir le niveau de glucose délicate. 
L'insuline est responsable de l'évolution des amidons, des sucres et autres aliments en énergie à l'intérieur du corps. Diminution de la consommation d'alcool, les graisses et sucreries de l'un va aider à réguler cela. Un régime diabétique devrait inclure 2-4 portions de fruits chaque jour. Cependant, depuis de nombreux fruits sont riches en sucre une partie des fruits à ajouter à votre alimentation sont la banane, pomme, mangue, orange, raisins secs et les raisins que la bonne nourriture pour le diabète. 
Les aliments gras contiennent souvent beaucoup de beurre, de fromage, d'huile ou de mayonnaise. Ils sont ceux sur le menu qui sont précédés par «frit» ou «à la crème». Ceux-ci devraient être évités pour être exempts de sucre dans le sang. Choisissez des aliments au lieu grillé, cuit, rôti ou cuit à la vapeur. Si vous devez utiliser de l'huile du tout dans votre cuisine, remplacer l'huile de cuisson avec de l'huile d'olive ou l'huile d'arachide, car elles contiennent moins de matières grasses. Sauces tels que barbecue et teriyaki contiennent des quantités élevées de sucre et donc ne sont pas idéales pour le régime diabétique. Essayez quelques-unes des fruits énumérés ci-dessus, si vous avez envie de quelque chose de sucré. Soyez généreux avec les assaisonnements (sauf pour le sel) pour garder les aliments de goûter trop fade. 
Régimes diabétiques doivent inclure des aliments qui ont peu de graisses et de cholestérol saturés, tels que les fruits frais, les légumes et la volaille sans peau. Seulement 10-20% de vos calories quotidiennes devrait être dérivé de protéines dans les aliments, tels que les produits laitiers faibles en gras, des viandes maigres et les poissons. Le reste d'un régime diabétique devrait être glucides de haricots, les grains entiers, les haricots, ainsi que des fruits et légumes frais. Un diabétique doit avoir 3-5 portions de légumes par jour pour abaisser la glycémie. Cependant, certains légumes comme les pommes de terre, le maïs et les carottes sont riches en glucides, donc participent de ces parcimonie. Mangez des fruits et légumes progressivement tout au long de la journée afin que votre taux de sucre dans le sang ne va pas augmenter soudainement. Les viandes rouges, les œufs et les produits laitiers entiers de lait devraient être évitées. 
Depuis souvent, la mauvaise alimentation déséquilibrée est ce qui a causé le diabète, en premier lieu, ces changements peuvent être difficiles à mettre en œuvre. Cependant, le maintien d'une bonne alimentation vous aidera à taux de glucose à la prévention du cœur et des vaisseaux sanguins, ce qui dans certains cas a conduit à des conséquences très graves comme aveuglante et même l'amputation des membres touchés. Gardez à l'esprit que ce n'est pas nocif à long terme pour vous faire plaisir une fois dans un grand tout. Juste être sûr de le faire dans la modération avec une consommation d'aliments à abaisser la glycémie. Mangez bien, pour bien vivre et bien.
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Veterinary Ophthalmologist in Brooklyn (Jeff Lee)

Do you have a pet in need of specialized eye care? Searching for a veterinary ophthalmologist in Brooklyn can be difficult and confusing. Let's first start off by defining what a veterinary ophthalmologist is, then we can further discuss how to go about finding one in Brooklyn.
An ophthalmologist is a doctor who specializes in eye care. To become a veterinary ophthalmologist one must have finished four years of veterinary school, at least one year of internship, a three year accredited residency in ophthalmology, and have successfully passed the extensive written and practical examinations administered by the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists. After accomplishing these certifications and tests, the individual will be board-certified in ophthalmology and will gain the title, Diplomate. This tough training program trains the person to be a specialist in both the medical and surgical treatment of ophthalmic illnesses of pets.
You may ask yourself: When does my pet need a veterinary ophthalmologist? Pets, just like humans, can end up with a variety of eye illnesses and diseases. Here are the most common diseases or illnesses found in cats and dogs:

Eyelid abnormalities
* Entropion and ectropion
* Ectopic cilia
* Distichiasis
* Eyelid tumors
* Trichiasis
* Eyelid agenesis
Prolapsed gland of the third eyelid
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
Corneal disease
* Corneal ulcer
* Indolent corneal ulcer
* Descemetocele
* Corneal sequestrum
* Feline herpesvirus keratitis
* Chronic superficial keratitis (pannus)
Anterior uveitis
Lens disease
* Cataract
* Lens luxation
Orbital tumors and abscesses
Intraocular tumors
Retinal disease

* Retinal detachment
* Retinal degeneration
* Retinal dysplasia

Your pet may have one of these issues and may not require surgery; however, some pets do require surgery to prevent the spread of an illness or to improve their overall quality of life. If your pet does require surgery and you live in Brooklyn, you will need to find a veterinary ophthalmologist in Brooklyn. Not all pet clinics or hospitals are equipped to handle eye surgeries. Many veterinarians are only trained to do the basic, everyday health examinations of pets.

If you are looking for an ophthalmologist in Brooklyn, a great place to start is Veterinary Emergency and Referral Group, also known as VERG. This veterinary hospital specializes in all types of emergency surgeries, treatments, and critical care. Their main veterinary ophthalmologist is Dr. Seth A. Koch. Dr. Koch has gained over 20 years of experience in the field. He may be a good fit for you and your pet if critical eye care is needed. If you don't believe he is the right fit for you, Dr. Koch and his team of professionals will be happy to refer you to the right place. VERG has connections to many different hospitals and specialized clinics; they will be able to point you in the right direction along with informing you on any other veterinary topics you may need help with.

Overall, veterinary ophthalmology is a very specialized field and requires intensive knowledge and training. Whether your pet is in need of a specialized eye surgery or just a regular check up, there are many clinics and hospitals that can help you. Finding the right veterinary ophthalmologist in Brooklyn may end up being easier than you may think, due to the fact that VERG is one of the best in town!

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