

Acne Remedies That Actually Work (Pamela Cobb)

All people go through a stage in their lives where they have to deal with acne. For some, it's just a phase that will eventually end, but for many, it's something they will have to deal with for years and years. It's not a dangerous skin condition, but it can leave scars and make the skin look ugly. Fortunately, acne is not something you can't remedy. Today, there are hundreds and even thousands of products that are dedicated for this particular condition. The thing about acne, though, is that it's not something that will disappear overnight after you treat it with a beauty cream you saw on TV. Acne is strongly genetic, so the only way you can deal with it is from its roots. The good news is that even if acne is genetic, there's still a large part of it that's under your control. Here are some methods that can help you deal with such a stubborn problem.

Skincare Regimen

Acne is actually a result of having oily skin, so you have to deal with oily skin if you want to control it. One of the best ways to deal with oily skin? Establishing a skincare regimen. Your skincare regimen does not necessarily have to involve complicated rituals and expensive products. Even the simple routine of washing your face with warm water and soap before you go to bed at night should provide significant results.

Well-Balanced Diet

Studies on the link between acne and diet have found that foods low in oil and sugar can reduce acne. Stay away from foods that can lead to oily skin, and opt for foods rich in fiber instead. Veggies with high water content such as cucumber and fruits rich in vitamin A like carrot and sweet potato are also excellent choices as they have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce acne. If you love seafood, oyster is perfect for you as it contains zinc that can zap acne out.

Regular Exercise

Some say exercise causes acne and some say it helps cure it. If you come to think of it, it only makes sense that the latter is more accurate. Exercise helps flush toxin out of the body through the skin. It also stimulates blood flow, which nourishes the skin. Perhaps the reason why some people claim exercise can cause acne is the fact that you perspire a lot after a good workout, and this causes to clog the pores. If you wash your skin properly after working out, this shouldn't be a problem at all.

Adequate Beauty Rest and Sleep

Recent studies reveal that lack of sleep can cause acne through inflammation. When you sleep late, the pro-inflammatory cytokines in your body increases, causing inflammation. Sleeplessness also affects your hormones, which regulates your body's glucose metabolism. This can result to certain conditions including acne. To reduce acne, make sure you get enough sleep at night. Sleep and rest also reduces stress, which is another culprit for oily skin and acne.

Laser Skin Treatment

Finally, consider laser skin treatment. This medical procedure can be expensive, but many people prefer it because of its effectiveness in reducing acne. If you have tried everything that you can and you still suffer from severe acne, this might be the answer to your problem. Check out laser skin treatment at Heberdavis and find out how you can benefit from this procedure.

Pamela Cobb is a skincare expert with over 8 years experience in the health and beauty industry. She recommends that you check out Heberdavis to find more info on IPL skin treatment.

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