

How To Get Rid Of Acne Naturally

Generally, the natural ways of getting rid of acne are going to be much more effective than the medical choices you have. For starters, you will find that the natural methods are actually at the heart of treating and then preventing future acne breakouts. For example, even the best medicine out there can't treat cystic acne when there is still a lot of stress in the persons life.

For another thing, these natural ways of acne removal are often gentler on the skin, which means that acne can be kept at bay. Take, for example, the case between using herbal remedies like honey against the use of prescription topical applications that can cause adverse side effects on the skin itself. With that being said, here are a few of the natural ways to treat and ultimately prevent acne.

Keep The Dirt Off

Make sure you keep your face clear of any dirty objects or unclean hands since these things harbor acne-causing bacteria. If it cannot be helped for any reason, then it is logical to wash the hands often to eliminate any chance of bacteria landing on the face via the hands.

When the grime, dust and dirt is not cleaned off the skin, the pores will clog. Acne will quickly develop because the natural sebum is not able to be removed in a proper manner. Therefore, you need to make sure that you are keeping the grime, dust and dirt off of your face.

Those who are prone to acne breakouts must gently wash their skin about two times a day. Use only mild cleansers and avoid things such as perfumes and colognes. Rinse with warm water - never hot water and make sure that you are avoiding scrubbing because you could end up removing the protective barrier of your skin which will leave you subject to more acne breakouts.

Stress Off the Body

Another thing that you need to avoid is physical and mental stress. A lot of times, acne is nothing more than a hormone imbalance so extra stress can make matters a lot worse for you, even if you have healthy skin at the moment.

One of the best ways to keep stress away is to make sure that your body and mind are getting enough rest. Sleep well at night and take rest breaks during the day. Also, make sure that you are engaging in some light to moderate exercise but wear loose fitting cotton clothes. This way, you will avoid getting acne mechanica which is an acne type that is caused by friction of clothing.

Reap the Benefits of Herbal Home Remedies

Those who are prone to acne should keep following the herbal remedies and the home treatments for their acne problems such as:

- Apply the combined juices of lettuce, cucumbers and carrots to the affected area and then rinse it off after ten minutes. Pat the area dry.

- Apply the pulp of freshly crushed tomatoes to the affected area and leave it on for about thirty minutes. You can then rinse it off with nice warm water.

- Use lemon juice to wipe the affected area. Lemon juice is rich with glycolic acid, which is known for having wonderful anti-acne properties.

The best treatment for acne is a healthy diet and lifestyle since these aspects of life has long-lasting impact than any medicine can achieve. When these natural ways are combined with medications, the chances for keeping acne at bay for the rest of one's lifetime are, indeed, high.

About The Author
FACT: Acne affects 90% of people worldwide. Why are some people able to stop acne dead in its tracks while others continue to suffer? Discover effective remedies for acne and comparisons of top acne-fighting products. Finally enjoy clear, smooth, acne-free skin by visiting us today at:

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