

Economical and Valuable Homemade Acne Treatment (Deborah S.)

Pimples is among the noticeable signs that an individual is gradually reaching another phase that is adulthood. Nonetheless, not all teenagers experience acne as they are able to maintain silky and clear skin. It is by no means overwhelming but some moms do have pretty good knowledge about homemade acne treatment. As most often the case, the remedies are found inside the kitchen cupboards and shelves meaning they are not only economical but useful. Usually, these acne skin care tips are passed from earlier generations but have maintained valuable results to the current days even with all the large quantity of over-the-counter medications.

However, acne isn't limited for teenagers since there are people who still have problems with acne even after they are in their late 20's. It is standard for these individuals to search medication for acne from those that are extensively advertised and promoted through mass media. Not only are these products expensive but they often produce critical side effects. Advertisements are made to win over people to make a purchase but as most often true, some are not likely helpful. If you want to be sure that you will have no negative side effects on skin, try homemade acne treatment. All you'll want to do is look for the ingredients for acne treatment right from your mom's kitchen.

One of the most common homemade acne treatments are the juices of tomato or lemon which are best used before bedtime to dissolve the pimple. Garlic which has a pungent smell has the antibacterial agent that works efficiently on pimple removal. You can also have a choice among those that smell better like honey or egg whites which can be mixed for being made into a facial mask. Not only will you enjoy a face free from pimples but you will surely have clearer skin without evident signs of wrinkles that makes one look older than the actual age. The truth is, not a soul certainly wants to look old but when you keep on smoking and staying under the sun, the results will definitely show in the skin.

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day can offer the most effective results for skin on account of its power in providing moisture. On the other hand, you also need a small amount of caution with tips for skin care since not all people have exactly the same type of skin. You can carry out trial with homemade acne remedy until you discover the best to suit your type of skin. It may take time to appreciate the helpful effects on skin since it won't be obvious overnight.

A powerful alternative is to find a good homemade acne remedy. Treating this condition at home is possible when you're well informed; learning acne skin care will help you get rid of this situation.
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Supplements For Memory (Mattie Lindgren)

{Many elderly people suffer from memory loss. This may affect everyone emotionally since it's very sad, not just for them but for their loved ones too. This article contains many tips you will find helpful if you have to deal with memory loss.|There is very little in life that's more frustrating than failing at remembering something that you must remember. There have been various ways concocted to help retain memories in recent years, and many of these tips are in this article.}

{Stress will contribute to your struggles with remembering things. You need to relax in order to learn new things and when trying to remember old things. Don't focus on your frustration, but calmly think of the thing that you are trying to remember.

|One of the best ways to improve memory function is to make sure that you're getting the proper amount of sleep. Believe it or not, sleep plays an important factor in both your long-term and short-term memory. If you feel tired, remembering anything will seem difficult. Just get additional sleep at night and watch your memory improve.

}{You can remember information more easily if you focus on it without distractions while studying. Humans store items to be remembered in the long-term memory part of the brain. Taking knowledge from your short term memory and moving it to your long term memory can be a very daunting challenge, and you need to make sure to aim all your focus on the subject you wish to learn.

|Try to have faith in your own abilities. A lot of people assume that with age, your memory goes as well. This is often a self-fulfilling prophecy. In fact, stressing about possibly eventually losing your memory can actually do a number on your mind and hurt your short-term memory. If people question things about your memory, you could eventually doubt yourself. Just believing that your memory is still good can help it greatly.

}{Retelling stories to someone else can be a great way to increase your own memory skills. For instance, if you are having trouble recalling a particular anecdote, try to relate it to a wider circle of individuals. It reinforces it in your mind, and makes it harder to forget.

|If you have received information from another individual, and it is difficult for you to recall it, attempt to restructure it in words that you create and are familiar to you. Unless you fully understand an idea, you will not be able to successfully memorize it.

}{Making an outline to study from is an effective strategy to help you remember information. When you can take information and separate it into segments that are related, it is more likely you will remember the information easily. It is not necessary to make a formal outline or one that is exceedingly long; in most cases, any simple grouping of information will do the trick.

|If you know a person who is struggling with a loss of memory, you need to exhibit as much patience as you can. It's very hard for them, and they don't need someone whose not understanding. If you demonstrate a certain amount of patience, you just might make them feel better, and actually help them recall the information.

}{Memory loss comes with old age and causes many frustrations. Prescription medication may be the most effective course of treatment if memory impairment is caused by an actual medical condition--dementia or Alzheimer's, for instance.

|When you work at training your brain, you will also improve your memory. Learning something new is a great way to keep your brain working at peak capacity. For instance, learn how to play new sports or games.

}{To help you remember more, you can work by using memory association to strengthen your memory. For example, try using a mnemonic device. Mnemonics help you to remember new information better. Studies show that using a word or term to related to something you want to recall is a very effective approach. Some mnemonic tools take the form of jokes, rhymes and silly songs.

|Keeping a journal is great for your memory. Every day, make it a point to list a few people, places or things in your daily life that make you happy to be alive. You could switch things up a bit and make a list of highlights and positive thoughts from the day. Doing this helps you feel good, and when you are feeling better, your brain is much sharper which means better memory retention.

}{If you're studying and working to memorize a chunk of information, you're better off sorting study notes by subject than you are randomly learning about topics. Studies have proven that a subject is more likely to remember something that was organized properly, rather than clusters of random information.

|It's vital that you keep learning on a daily basis long after you've left school. When you stop learning, you actually stop stretching the area of the mind that aids in memory. Unless you keep your mind sharp, you may find it more difficult to recall information when you need it.

}{You can help improve your memory while studying if you create a consistent and specific schedule of learning the material during a series of particular sessions. This helps you think about it more, and remember the information. It has been proven that people who utilize this studying technique will more successfully remember the information compared to others who attempt to absorb all of the information in one quick session.

|You can remember information more easily if you focus on it without distractions while studying. Information must be stored in the long-term memory for humans to be able to recall it effectively. To shift a piece of information long term memory, you must be sure to place all of your mental energies it without outside distractions.

}{One of the things that is most closely associated with aging is memory impairment. While it can be both unfortunate and heartbreaking, it is also a natural occurrence. It is possible to reduce or halt memory deterioration. The following article offers tips and tricks to help a person fight off memory loss, whether they are old or young.|Now that you've read some great memory-related tips, you can begin to put these tips into live action. Once you learn to better retain information, you'll find that your life is a lot less frustrating than it once was.}

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Calaguala Polypodium leucotomos L.

  • Parte Utilizada
    El rizoma.

  • Principios Activos
    Calagualina, polipodina, ácidos grasos, taninos.

  • Acción Farmacológica
    Antiinflamatorio, con mecanismo de acción similar a los corticosteroides. Inmunomodulador, estimula la acción de los linfocitos T.

  • Indicaciones
    Psoriasis, ezcemas atópicos, infecciones por herpes virus, vitíligo, estomatitis aftosa recidivante, enteritis crónica por sensibilización a la leche de vaca, broncoespasmos de origen alérgico, osteoartritis degenerativas.

  • Contraindicaciones
    Gastritis, ulcus gastroduodenal, diabetes, tratamiento con heterósidos cardiotónicos (ver precauciones).

  • Precaución / Intoxicaciones
    Puede producir irritación de la mucosa gástrica. Se ha descrito un efecto potenciador de los digitálicos, y la inducción de ligeras hiperglucemias en diabéticos, por lo que habría que controlar la glucemia y ajustar las dosis de insulina si fuera necesario.

Formas Galénicas / Posología
- Extracto fluido (1:1): 1 ml, dos veces al día.
- Anapsos (extracto lípido-hidrosoluble): 300-1000 mg/día, en tres tomas.
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Best Homemade Acne Treatments (Naomi Warmate-Igwe)

Before we talk about best homemade acne treatments, let's shed more light on what acne really is. From varied definitions, acne has been described as a common skin disease which is characterized by inflammation of follicular papules and pustules which can be mild or in some cases, severe. These lesions are also called pimples. It normally happens in those parts of the body with a high number of sebaceous follicles and this includes the face, back and upper part of the chest. This condition is usually as a result of extreme hormonal imbalance. It also appears when proper hygiene is not being observed.

Listed below are some of the best homemade acne treatments that will help you keep acne at bay without spending a fortune on inorganic treatments and procedures. They are:

Oatmeal and Yogurt: This treatment involves mixing a tablespoon of oatmeal with one and half tablespoons of yogurt and applying the past to the affected area where it is left to dry. It is later washed off with warm water and moisturizer applied.

Honey and Cinnamon: Another remedy that gives quick results, it involves mixing honey and cinnamonand applying on the affected area before going to bed. As you wake up in the morning, you wash off the paste with warm water which leaves your face feeling and looking smoother.

Aloe Vera: A certified ingredient that plays a major role in most homemade remedies for various skin and health conditions, fresh aloe vera gel is extracted from the fresh plant and applied to the affected area. It is left for sometime before being washed off.

Garlic: Due to the sometimes awful smell of the garlic, it is not everybody that will be comfortable with the application of this remedy. But if you want to try it out, break and rub fresh garlic on the parts of your body with acne. It works by using its antiseptic property to kill and dry out the acne.

Sugar: Still on the best homemade acne treatments, mix one tablespoon of white sugar with two tablespoons of brown sugar. Drop in a little water and rub the paste on the affected area. Leave for a couple of hours and rinse off with warm water. It works very well in getting rid of acne and leaving you with a fresh and smooth skin.

Lavender Oil: This is a very simple process which involves applying the lavender oil on the affected part of your skin. Continuous use of the oil will help to rid your face, back and upper chest areas of the ugly acnes.

Mint: This process works by extracting fresh mint juice and applying same on your face before you go to bed. It is then rinsed off the next morning. This process should be repeated for days before visible results can be achieved.

Egg White: Break your egg, separate the white from the yolk and apply it on your face, back or upper chest, depending on where you have the acne. Leave it for about 20 minutes and wash off with warm water. Apply your moisturizer and you are good to go.

Raw Potato: Another amazing recipe among the best homemade acne treatments, the best type of potato to be used is the organic white potato. Get slices of the raw potato and place them on those areas where you have acne. It works by minimizing the swelling and inflammation associated with acne breakouts.

Ground Orange Peel: Just like the case of the raw potato, organic orange works better in this procedure. After grounding the peel, apply it to the affected areas to reduce acne breakout and also sooth the skin.

Lemon Juice and Rose Water: Equal quantities of lemon juice and rose water is mixed, applied to the affected skin area and left for about 30 minutes before being rinsed off with warm water.

Baking Soda: A mixture of baking soda and a little water should be applied to the affected skin area before going to bed. In the morning, it is rinsed off with warm water. It helps to keep the acne away from your skin.

Turmeric Powder and Mint: Mix equal proportions of mint and turmeric powder together and apply to your face, back or chest area. Leave for about 30 minutes and wash with warm water.

Tomato and Cucumber: Applying slices of fresh tomato and cucumber to your face on daily basis will help get rid of acne and at the same time, leave your skin smooth and free from acne scars.

In order to make the most of these best homemade acne treatments, you should also imbibe healthy eating habits. Do away with processed foods and stick to organic fruits. Don't forget to drink plenty of water as this keeps your skin hydrated and leaves no room for acne outbreaks.

I am an experienced freelance SEO writer and active blogger in various niches including home improvement, interior d?cor/design, health, fitness, personal finance, real estate, fashion, SEO, Affiliate marketing, beauty, legal, stocks/commodity trading, insurance etc. If your writing needs include website content, articles, blog posts, press releases, product description, sales copy, report, e-books and newsletters, I am the perfect match for it. I currently work on virtual workers' sites like Elance, Guru and Vworker where I have maintained good ratings under the username, Chizy.
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Fitoterapia y Medicina natural

El uso de las plantas con fines terapéuticos se remonta prácticamente desde la prehistoria hasta nuestros días.

Esta medicina y cosmiatría herbolaria tradicional, tiene dos aspectos: Uno, muy positivo, consiste en que a través de incontables experiencias empíricas, ha permitido una selección, si bien no muy justificada desde el punto de vista estrictamente científico, sumamente valiosa de un conjunto muy importante de vegetales, descartándose por inocuos muchos de ellos, o tóxicos en algunos casos particulares.
El aspecto negativo, es el de no poderse determinar -a este nivel de conocimiento- cuál es el mecanismo de acción o los principios activos que dichas plantas poseen, quedando en muchos casos las virtudes terapéuticas enunciadas sobre la base de testimonios personales, opiniones o creencias.
La fitoterapia surge como una nueva disciplina que supera la herboristería tradicional, rescatando por un lado el cúmulo de informaciones históricas, pero sólo a título de orientar la investigación con base científica y apoyándose en aportes tecnológicos, hacia el descubrimiento de los principios activos y su posterior estudio y sistematización.
El aporte realizado por la fitoterapia en lo que va de siglo -especialmente en los últimos 25 años- apoyándose en la química, la biología y la física es invalorable: el arsenal bibliográfico no ha cesado de aumentar; importantes revistas europeas publican sistemáticamente aportes de numerosos países y existen laboratorios de primer nivel dedicados exclusivamente a la producción de extractos vegetales.
A pesar de ello, de las 800.000 especies que se estima existen en nuestro planeta, sólo han sido descritas 250.000 con su respectiva clasificación botánica, de las cuales 80.000 han pasado por ensayos químicos y farmacológicos aislándose solamente 2.000 principios activos, lo que equivale a un conocimiento muy primario pero estimulante para nuevas investigaciones.
Las ventajas del empleo de productos fitoterápicos son numerosas; entre los principales podemos citar:
1) La presencia de principios activos difícilmente sintetizables por la vía química o en el mejor de los casos costosos, o directamente desconocidos pero de actividad comprobada.
2) La acción combinada en un mismo vegetal de dos o más componentes, que al encontrarse juntos, potencian una acción terapéutica determinada.
3) La diversidad de efectos que un mismo extracto puede ejercer sobre el paciente.
4) La ausencia de efectos colaterales: muchos productos de origen sintético pueden ocasionar reacciones imprevisibles, por sí mismos o por impurezas que contengan en su fabricación industrial.
5) La utilización de materias primas fácilmente renovables.
Debemos aclarar que, junto a estas ventajas, nos encontramos con una serie de inconvenientes, todos ellos superables, relacionados con la recolección, manipulación y elaboración de los productos de origen vegetal.
Estos procesos deben realizarse bajo estrictas normas, a fin de garantizar la calidad y posterior normalización (estandarización) de los principios activos.
En la recolección es de capital importancia conocer qué parte de la planta es la que debe usarse, ya que a veces es sólo la raíz la que interesa; otra puede ser sólo las flores y, en diferentes casos, se emplea la planta entera. Por otro lado, se debe tener en cuenta qué época del año es la adecuada, a fin de garantizar una máxima concentración del principio activo, las características del suelo y clima y hasta variables no tan frecuentes como las posibles variaciones genéticas del vegetal. Es necesario además, prevenir adulteraciones o equivocaciones con plantas similares en este paso.
En cuanto a la manipulación, es fundamental el conocimiento de los métodos de secado y envase a fin de preservar los principios activos, etapa previa a la extracción de los mismos, de la cual deriva el proceso de elaboración del producto fitoterápico.
La normalización o estandarización de los extractos vegetales, implica que cada uno de ellos debe ser valorado (cantidad de principio activo por unidad de peso o volumen).  Ésta es la forma científica de presentar el producto, y la tecnología actual lo permite.
Resolver estos aspectos significa pasar a una verdadera jerarquización de este tipo de terapias y representa el desafío actual de esta disciplina.
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How do you get Yeast Infection? | Solutions for yeast infection (jammula naresh)

Yeast is a fungus , naturally our body contains a certain amount of fungus. Scientifically known as "Candida" and formerly called as monilia albicans.

Candida albicans is a small building fungus. It is present in the intestinal tract of all human beings.

The acidophilus is a bacteria that keeps the Candida (Yeast Infection) in proper balance. When anything that damages or destroys the acidophilus in the intestine it will leads to Candida overgrowth. (Or) when the level of fungus becomes disturbed then overgrowth of candida (fungus) takes place.

Naturally 50% of healthy women contain yeast in the vaginal area.Yeast infections are very common. more than 60% of the women will have one yeast infection in their life time.

Yeast infections are the most common fungal infections that affect people of all age and gender. Yeast infections can occur in several places on the body through blood.

The most common area is "Skin" its targets mainly the "Moisture area" of skin. Yeast infection will develop around dentures, under the breast, vagina and lower abdomen, nail beds, and beneath skin foldings.

There are several situations in which the yeast may multiply. If the Yeast infections returned (re-occured) then it gives an indication for the chances of Dreadfull diseases such as diabetes, leukemia, or AIDS.

The antibiotic medicine may kill the bacteria but keeps yeast levels low.

The diet must contain high amount of fiber (radish, asparagus, onions, etc) and proteins (fish, nuts, almonds, pumpkin, cashews, Almond milk, seeds and eggs) in addition to this it requires some complex carbohydrates (rice, beans, oats, etc)also.

Small amount of fresh fruits (papaya, pineapple) gives better results. By using these fruits in diet it will reduce the growth of candida(yeast). As the candida growth decreases the yeast infection also reduces.

Take multivitamins, drink adequate water and eat fresh foods. whenever possible increase your intake of vitamins and minerals that gives energy.
Avoid sweets, soups, instant oats, Microwave popcorn, noodles, beans and peas. Never eat dried fruits.

Once the candida(yeast) is eliminated from your body then you can start eating fruits which contain less amount of sugar in it (apples, grapefruit, melon, and strawberries).
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La banda gástrica

El tratamiento con Banda Gastricaes un procedimiento encaminado a facilitarle la pérdida de peso, en pacientes de obesidad, mediante la colocación de una banda de silicona alrededor del estómago, cuya capacidad disminuirá hasta un tamaño de 25-30 CC. Con ello, se sentirá muy rápidamente saciado y le será fácil perder peso.
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Causes des troubles du sommeil Insomnie

Difficulté à s'endormir n'est pas un problème rare. Trouble du sommeil L'insomnie peut se produire pour un certain nombre de raisons. Ici, nous allons explorer pourquoi il ya un problème pour dormir. 
Les causes de l'insomnie trouble du sommeil sont l'âge, la maladie physique, les problèmes psychologiques et les habitudes de vie. Une fois que la maladie physique et les conditions psychologiques tels que la dépression est écarté, il ya trois causes principales. Ils sont décrits dans cet article. 
Mauvaise hygiène du sommeilLorsque les médecins appellent hygiène du sommeil, ils font référence à l'environnement dans lequel la personne est de s'endormir. L'éclairage artificiel interfère avec la production du corps de la mélatonine. La mélatonine est ce qui régule les rythmes circadiens de l'organisme.Normalement, la production de mélatonine augmente à l'approche de la nuit et diminue à l'approche du matin. 
 Les augmentations et les diminutions sont déclenchées par des changements de lumière.Réduire l'exposition d'une personne à la lumière artificielle pendant plusieurs heures avant de se coucher est bénéfique. Cela signifie qu'il devrait y avoir aucun des écrans de télévision, d'ordinateur ou des ordinateurs portables dans la chambre. 

Le lit doit être à l'aise. La salle doit être cool et calme. Si des bruits provenant de l'extérieur de la maison il ya un problème, une machine à bruit blanc peut être utilisé pour les bloquer.
Consommation excessive de caféineLa caféine peut provoquer des troubles du sommeil le et / ou l'aggraver. Parmi les nombreuses causes de l'insomnie, la consommation excessive de caféine est le plus facile à contrôler. Vous avez simplement besoin de limiter votre consommation ou de le couper complètement. 
La caféine est un stimulant. C'est un médicament, même si ce n'est pas une drogue contrôlée et est facilement disponible. Cafés sont devenus de plus en plus populaire et peut être décrit comme une raison que beaucoup de gens ne peuvent tout simplement pas à dormir.On trouve la caféine dans le café, les boissons gazeuses, boissons énergisantes, les maux de tête et des aides de perte de poids. Il est important d'ajouter toutes les sources de caféine. Si le total dépasse 500 mg par jour, il finira par provoquer un rythme cardiaque rapide, des palpitations, de l'anxiété et des troubles du sommeil. 

StressDe toutes les causes de l'insomnie, le stress est la plus fréquente. Tout le monde subit un stress dans une certaine mesure. Le travail, la vie à la maison et bien d'autres choses contribuent au stress.Si le trouble du sommeil est accompagné d'endormissement difficile ou trouble à se rendormir après avoir été réveillé pendant la nuit, la cause la plus probable est le stress. Il est souvent décrit par des individus que l'inquiétude.Les gens s'inquiéter de l'avenir, les choses qu'ils ont vécu aujourd'hui et ce qui s'est passé dans le passé. Souvenirs troublants peuvent surgir lorsque le cerveau est détendue, tout comme une personne est sur le point de s'endormir.

L'une des autres causes de l'insomnie peuvent contribuer à niveau d'une personne de stress. Une mauvaise santé physique, les problèmes psychologiques, consommation excessive de caféine, consommation excessive d'alcool, le tabagisme, etc sont toutes des choses qui peuvent être dites pour causer le trouble du sommeil, mais ce qu'ils font est une source de stress physique ou mental.Lorsque vous ne pouvez pas dormir, vous n'êtes pas dans un état de relaxation. Le stress vous empêche de devenir détendu.Parfois, il est possible de réduire le stress dans sa vie, mais il ne peut pas être complètement éliminés. Fondamentalement, les gens doivent apprendre à composer avec le stress, comment le réduire autant que possible et de la façon de l'empêcher d'interférer avec leur capacité à obtenir un sommeil de bonne nuit. Insomnie chronique augmente le risque de problèmes de santé et contribue à des troubles psychologiques.Maintenant que vous avez appris sur les causes de l'insomnie, vous avez besoin d'apprendre à dormir naturellement. Somnifères sur ordonnance et sans ordonnance ne sont pas la solution.
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Get Rid Of Blemishes With The Help Of These Helpful Acne Tips (Arijit Roul)

Acne isn't only an embarrassing condition, it can also mean that something else is going on with your skin. Read this article for tips on how to prevent and treat acne, in order to maintain vibrant skin.

If you have facial acne, you might want to get a hypoallergenic or a featherless pillow. Feather pillows can worsen your skin problems and cause you to breakout more. In addition, keep your hands away from your face. The dirt and oils from your hands can cause acne.

One uncommonly thought of way to deal with your acne is to get more exercise! Exercise increases blood circulation. This aids in the elimination of toxins from the body while also delivering oxygen and nutrients to various areas of the body. It is important to exercise to keep your body healthy and strong and free of toxins to help prevent and fight the causes of acne. This also helps to relieve stress, which has been shown to cause acne.

If you are exercising or in a hot environment, clean your face often. If you are on the go, take a discreet pack of face wipes with you in your pocket or purse. These wipes can clear any bacteria you may have on your face. Never use wipes instead of your daily cleansers.

If you suffer from persistent acne, make sure to use only natural skin care products. The majority of products available to treat acne contain harsh chemicals that will only serve to worsen your skin problems. This is going to result in more acne. Some natural products have an antibacterial effect, which can heal the skin.

In order to get rid of face acne, focus on cleansing your face with just water and avoid using any makeup and cosmetic products for at least a week. Cosmetic products can cause acne in some users. Many of these products are full of chemicals that can irritate and damage the skin, making it more susceptible to acne bacteria.

Try to de-stress your life as much as possible. Stress is sometimes the main culprit behind acne outbreaks. Try to both exercise and meditation on a daily basis. Working out and taking the time to relax not only reduce stress, they are very beneficial to your health as well.

Staying properly hydrated is important to preventing acne. Your body needs at least 8 cups of water every day. Dehydration is caused by an insufficient water intake. Dehydration causes your skin not to be able to shed dead skin cells properly due to being starved for water. These dead skin cells can also exacerbate acne.

If you get breakouts regularly, you should increase the number of times you wash your face throughout the day. First thing in the morning, and last thing before bed, wash your face. This will reduce skin breakouts substantially.

Avoid oil-based cosmetics when possible. If you use them often, the oils in these products can clog your pores. Acne problems are often caused by the application of oil-based makeup. Never trust the promise of "oil-free" products without reading the label first. These sorts of products are synthetics and can cause you to breakout.

Stress is one of the biggest factors in the spread of acne. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to rid your life of stress. Running and yoga are very effective stress-minimizers and can help you stay toned and in shape as well.

Don't hesitate to contact a doctor about your acne. A dermatologist specializes in skin problems and can offer treatment with medication if need be. By implementing the tips given here, you can preclude many acne symptoms and attend to others.

Acne is a skin disorder condition that affects almost any part of your body. But it primarily affects on your face. This has become a serious issue that many actually overlook. In fact, it affects more than 17 million adults in the US alone! Revitol Acnezine is one of the most effective and advanced medicated therapy applied for treatment of Acne and if you are still giving thoughts for buying it then once go through the Acnezine Review, you will surely try this treatment.
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Acne No more-a holistic approach to Acne (Olaf Conradsen)

Acne No More is the {# 1 | # 1} {selling | top sale} acne {| e book eBook} in {history | background} {Internet | Web} on {reason | reasons} ...
{We | Hundreds} of women and men of any age are competent {completely | entirely Christian | fully} {cured | healed} their acne {condition | situation | problem} and {achieved | attained} {lasting | removed | permanent} clear skin {naturally | normally | obviously} without {drugs | medications}, {counters | surfaces}, {creams | lotions} or "magic potions" {simply | just merely | only |} {using | making use of} {clinically | medically} scientifically proven-{accurate | exact | precise} step by step {method | approach | procedure | process | strategy | system | technique} found within this manual, Acne {freedom | independence | liberty} {amazing | astonishing | astounding}.

{Mike |Paul | Robert Walden, nutritionist} {certified | licensed | qualified} {health | wellness} {consultant | adviser} and {author | writer} are {just | simply} {else another | another} "acne {cure remedy | treatment} {program plan | system |}" {into | in for} already saturated {market | marketplace}. Mike's acne no more {can | could | may} have more {accurately | correctly} {described as referred to as | | so-called} "Acne Bible." {This is |} {pretty simply | basically | simply} {one of the | among} most {comprehensive | extensive | thorough}, {complete | entire | whole} and {precise | exact} {guides | instructions} for acne {freedom | independence | liberty} {will you you'll |} will ever read. {What makes | why is it} it's so different from other skin {clear | obvious | apparent} {publications | guides | magazines} on the market?

Good {first all | to start with to begin with, |}, {is not | isnt} {just | merely | only | simply} "acne {relief | alleviation}" or "facial" {program plan | system |}, this acne {holistic | alternative} {cure treatment} {program | plan | system}. This can {seem | appear} like semantics or wordplay at first, but {once | after} you read {just | merely | simply} the first chapters, there {is | is going to be will soon be |} {doubt | question} {mind | head} {pursuing | seeking} "acne {relief | alleviation}" is not a {only | merely} {goal | aim | target} is wrong it can be {reason | cause} you have {failed to | | did not didnt} stop {maintain | keep} "acne free {internal | inner} environment". Acne {is More | no} shows you {exactly | precisely |} why should you inner {problem | difficulty | issue} {is | that} and {fix | repair} causes acne, not {just | merely | only | simply} {masking | hiding} symptoms or help {and then | &} {on | it} to show you exactly {as to the way to | | just as} {do take action it |}.

Acne No more {{book | novel} | {} Book | novel}}, {quite | fairly | rather} extensive (223 pages {rock solid | reliable} content) which is 100% acne {natural | organic} {focuses on | targets} {treatment remedy |}. {Means Any means | Rationale |} here {are not | "} {recommendations | suggestions | tips | guidelines} for prescription drugs {harsh | brutal} {nasty | awful | horrible | terrible | ugly} side effects. The acne no more {core | center | heart} {formula | method} section (5 posts)-nothing back {held | kept}. In this {section | area | part} {Mike | Paul} {gives | provides | offers} {detailed | comprehensive | thorough} {overview | review | summary} each {step | measure}, then {dives | delves} {specifics | details | particulars} {perfect | an ideal} chronological order. There is also a {outstanding | excellent | exceptional | spectacular | superb} charts and checklists which make it {very | quite} {easy | simple} {know | to understand} where you are on {the | within} {program | | software application} and follow it.

{Because the | from the | Both} acne No More {program | | application software} {is not | isnt} {quick | a quick} fix ' fairy tale ' {cure remedy | treatment}, but a complete holistic {solution | remedy | alternative} to {eliminating | removing} {root | real |} {cause | trigger} acne and {digestive | intestinal} {disorders | problems | issues} (whatever {from their | of} severity) and ensure your {permanently | eternally | forever} will be Acne Free, it does the job {take | require} and {persistence | perseverance} to complete. "{Dictionary | book} is the only place success comes before work" {says | states} {Mike |Paul | Robert}, as he "didn't fix {quick | fast}» philosophy {entire | whole} {book | novel} {" emphasizes "| highlights | stresses}.

{Who will | who ' ll | it} {benefit | gain | profit} most of the acne No More?

In a sense, {broadest | largest} {{anyone | anybody} and everyone everyone and | {anyone | anybody}} one {needs | wants} on {{cure heal | treat} and their acne and {regain | recover} their natural {inner | internal} {balance | equilibrium} | {} Regain |Recover their natural} {inner | internal} {balance | equilibrium} and {cure heal | treat} their acne} will be {benefit | gain | profit} from Acne {No More | No}. This {| e book eBook} – {honestly | frankly | really} {everyone | every one}. {Even |Actually | To} {people | individuals} without acne. {It's a | A} {total | complete} health rejuvenation program better than 98% {nutrition | diet | nourishment} and alternative health {books | publications} on the market. {Terms of | when it comes to | to} {graphic | visual} design, acne No More is {clean clear |} and professionally formatted PDF {e-book ebook |}. It is also {organized | ordered} and {ideal | perfect} {print {reading | studying} | {} |} And studying the Reading print} {the | within} {comfort | relaxation} {of your own | of your} {home | house}. This is {{impressive | report | remarkable | striking} and unique | unique and {impressive | report | remarkable | striking}} publication has changed many lives and hundreds of inspiring testimonials and success stories {are found | are is} to archives of acne No More {website | site web site |} as {proof | evidence}.

The bottom line?

Someone {looking | searching | seeking} on {quick | speedy} {fix | repair} {solution | option | alternative} for acne, anyone looking to say, fairy tales, and anyone looking for a "magic bullet", acne {| pills tablets | supplements}, over the counters, {3 | three} days acnefreedom, hyped up programs should not {waste | squander} {his or her his/her |} {time | period | moment} with the acne No More.

{On the other hand | However} any {searching | hunting | seeking} for the truth about acne and its {natural | normal} {inner | internal} {balance | equilibrium} and the {ready | prepared} and {willing | prepared} to {put | place | set} in some work and make the style {lifestyle | life style | life} {changes | modifications | adjustments} {necessary | needed | required} for acne {achieve | attain | reach | realize} {freedom | independence | liberty}, {will | may} {find | discover} {No More | ugrevojNe longer} {one of the best among best | one | better} investment they {ever made | available} in their life. {Click here |Go here} {to learn more for more information. | |-to learn more} about Mike Walden acne {No More | you can forget}.

Processing Of ...
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Del ácido hialurónico

El ácido hialurónico es un tratamiento de última generación que contiene una formulación con unos efectos de larga duración para la corrección de arrugas moderadas y severas, así como los pliegues de la cara.
La textura suele ser de gel con lidocaína añadida, un anestésico que disminuye de forma considerable la percepción de dolor de los pacientes a la vez que facilita la inyección.

El ácido hialurónico es un componente natural de la piel que aporta elasticidad y capacidad de regeneración de la piel. Con la edad, la cantidad de ácido hialurónico disminuye. Gracias al tratamiento con ácido hialurónico, se mejora la elasticidad de la piel y su capacidad de regeneración, restableciendo la plenitud y vitalidad natural de la piel.
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Sobre algunos peelings

Los alfa hidroxiácidos aplicados en combinación con 5-fluor-uracilo al 0,5-1 %, causan una epidermólisis. Esto proporciona una alternativa para el tratamiento de las queratosis seborréicas, lentigos, queratomas actínicos y verrugas vulgares. También se usa el ácido glicólico al 30 %, con ácido láctico y ácido pirúvico al 30 %.
El ácido glicólico se aplica al 60-80% durante unos minutos, hasta que se observa la presencia de eritema y un ligero quemazón, momento en el que se neutralizará con agua bicarbonatada. Este peeling se puede repetir cada 2-3 semanas durante 2-3 meses. Esto se potencia con aplicaciones en casa por parte del paciente en los intermedios de cremas a base de alfa-hidroxiácidos.
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Sobre el acné

·        Acné juvenil: está constituido por comedones y papulopústulas de pequeño y mediano tamaño. Aparece en el rostro y en la parte superior del tórax. Las lesiones pueden dejar cicatrices superficiales que desaparecen sin dejar huellas visibles, normalmente.
·        Acné infantil: suele afectar solo a las mejillas.
·        Acné quístico: se caracteriza por presentar elementos inflamatorios, nodulares profundos. Es una forma más grave que deja cicatrices.
·        Acné conglobata: no hay una diferencia clara con el anterior. Suele ser más extenso y afectar a zonas como axilas, ingles o cuero cabelludo.
·        Acné menopaúsico: aparecen elementos pápulo-pustulosos en el mentón.
Es más raro que aparezca acné en los folículos de pelo terminal, ya que el propio pelo actúa facilitando el drenaje de la glándula sebácea. Siempre por otro lado hay una predisposición genética del individuo que presenta este problema y un estímulo de los andrógenos, puesto si estos faltan se inhibe la secreción de sebo. Y por último aparece una infección por la bacteria Propinebacterium Ácnes. Como conclusión el acné aparece debido a una exagerada respuesta de la unidad pilosebácea frente a niveles normales de estrógenos circulantes.
 Se postula que la enfermedad desaparece cuando todos los folículos genéticamente predispuestos han sido afectados.

Acné exógeno

Aparece por factores externos.
·        Por drogas: como por ejemplo con la administración de andrógenos. Los antiepilépticos también aumentan la secreción sebácea. Los corticosteroides, cuando se administran después de la pubertad, por oclusión folicular.
La isoniacida, la vitamina B12, los halógenos especialmente con y otros medicamentos que no producen exactamente acné, sino erupciones acneiformes, como el caso de los anovulatorios, más cuando se suprimen después de administración prolongada.
·        Por sustancias aplicadas de forma tópica. O por factores mecánicos debido a un trauma en una zona determinada o un roce continuo. No podemos olvidar el acné que aparece por el uso de ciertos cosméticos.
·        Acné venenata: producido por hidrocarburos, aceites vegetales y derivados del petróleo. Tienen gran profusión de comedones y suele estar relacionado con la ocupación.


Etiológico cuando se tiene claro el agente causante. Pero la mayoría de las veces no existe una causa clara, entonces hay que hacer un tratamiento patogénico, controlar el exceso de secreción sebácea, reducir la obstrucción del poro, y controlar la infección.
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Acne No More - The Natural Acne Remedy- Does It Really Work? (Clara Johnson)

When acne appears, not only is it quite embarrassing, it can be totally disfiguring to some people.Anyone with acne would just be desperate to get rid of it. There is lots of information that gets floated around that is quite conflicting, for example some would suggest to the person with acne to use fruit scrubs while others would say no to use the scrubs. The best solution is to look for a natural acne remedy that will not leave you confused.

One such remedy is a product called Acne No More which is written by Mike Walden; well it's actually more like a course on the things you should do to help clear up acne. What foods to avoid, what foods to eat, vitamins to eat etc. These are just some of the things that you will find out.

Acne No More by Mike Walden may be able to permanently and holistically cure acne. This method also helps in curing acne without the need for any creams or drugs and is a safe and effective method. Mike Walden has been an active consultant, medical researcher and nutritionist of the alternative health industry for many years.

He has suffered acne in its severest form from a very young age. So he has had a very early and frustrating experience along with the embarrassment and insecurity faced due to spots and pimples. Through various trials and researches on it for about 7 years when he met an 84 year old man who showed him the way. When he tried this method out for 8 weeks, he was completely astonished at how much better and clearer his skin was and that was how he came up with the product which comes in the form of a 220 pages eBook that virtually takes you by the hand all the way through the process and comes with diagrams and pictures to help you.

Many people have tried Acne No More and depending on the severity of the acne problem, it was either completely gone or much reduced within weeks. More astonishingly, by following the method, in most cases the acne never returned. They were totally free from it. The typical symptoms of acne which were the excessive oiliness, peeling and the redness of the skin had totally disappeared; also the scars that were earlier present had reduced or were gone. With the acne gone, they felt more confident, more energetic and a lot healthier.

The people who used this method have commented that their face had never been clearer; their complexion was so much healthier. Many users have commented that by following Acne No More they have also stopped acne from re-appearing. This is touted as being possibly the best product for acne on the market today.

Mike Walden is a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, natural health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, " Acnenomore
- Open The Door To An Acne Free Life." Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide. For information on Mike's Holistic Clear Skin program, Get It Now!
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Comment traiter le cancer de la peau avec différentes techniques de guérison?

 La peau est le plus grand organe d'un être humain qui protège notre corps contre la chaleur, les blessures et tout type d'infection. En outre, il rend notre belle personnalité et de charme. De nos jours, un grand nombre de populations qui souffrent de la maladie de cancer de la peau et de soumettre à un diagnostic et un traitement appropriés. 

 Cancer de la peau est le type le plus commun de tous les cancers qui a affecté les populations des Etats-Unis, en Australie et au Royaume-Uni.Le type de traitement pour le cancer de la peau est recommandée en fonction du stade type, la qualité, l'emplacement et la taille de la tumeur. En outre, le type de traitement dépend aussi de l'état de santé du patient, les patients ayant un système immunitaire affaibli ne peut pas aller avec le traitement de chirurgie.

Types de cancer de la peau: 

Le carcinome basocellulaire et le carcinome spinocellulaire sont les formes les plus courantes de maladies cancéreuses de la peau, qui sont connus comme non-mélanome. Ces types de cancers rarement propagé à d'autres parties du corps. Troisième type de cancer de la peau est le mélanome qui est le type le plus rare et peut se propager à d'autres parties du corps. Une autre forme de maladie de la peau est Kératose actinique qui devient parfois un carcinome épidermoïde.
Comment traiter les cancers de la peau?

 Certaines des méthodes efficaces de traitement classiques de la maladie cancer de la peau ont été décrits comme suit: - 


 La chirurgie est l'une des techniques de guérison les plus efficaces pour le traitement du cancer de peau dans laquelle la tumeur entière est retirée de la peau. Certains types de tumeurs sont situées à l'intérieur de la peau, de sorte qu'il est traitée avec une combinaison d'autres techniques comme la radiothérapie et la chimiothérapie. 


 Dans cette technique, les médicaments sont utilisés pour tuer la tumeur cancéreuse. Médicaments anti-cancer sont recommandés par oncologue pour soulager les symptômes de cancer de la peau. Les médicaments sont soit injectés par la veine ou par voie orale. Les médicaments sont généralement administrés en plusieurs étapes afin qu'un patient peut prendre du temps à se guérir. Il ya d'autres façons aussi d'utiliser la méthode de chimiothérapie pour la maladie cancer de la peau, comme il peut être proposé avant la chirurgie ou après la chirurgie.

Effets secondaires:

 FatigueVomissementNauséeUlcères buccaux perte de cheveux.Chirurgie de Mohs:Ce type de chirurgie est utilisée lorsque le médecin n'est pas confirmé sur la profondeur et la nature du cancer de la peau. Dans cette méthode, les cellules et les tissus sont retirés de la zone touchée. Chirurgie de Mohs est une méthode très complexe que la technique de traitement des autres et est plus efficace pour la plus grande taille de la tumeur. 


Il a également été un succès pour la maladie cancer de la peau. Dans cette technique, les parties cancéreuses sont refroidis à une température très basse. Lorsque les cellules malignes deviennent figés, ces cellules sont tuées à l'aide d'azote liquide. 


 Il est aussi une méthode efficace pour le traitement de cancer de la peau qui est habituellement effectuée par radiothérapie interne et la radiothérapie externe. Dans cette méthode, des faisceaux de rayonnement sont exécutées sur la tumeur cancéreuse qui aide à arrêter la division des cellules cancéreuses.
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La rinitis

1.    ¿porqué es tan importante respirar por la nariz, es decir inspirar por la nariz y espirar por la boca?
En primer lugar es importante porque cuando inspiramos por las fosas nasales, el aire se calienta y el pulmón se asegura que no va a recibir aire demasiado fría sino a una temperatura fisiológica. Además los pelos que tenemos en la fosa nasal, sirven como filtro y defensa, así atrapa partículas que se encuentren en el aire respirado. También aunque no tenga que ver en sí con la respiración, la función del olfato, avisa de la presencia de alimentos en mal estado o nocivos.
2.    Por cierto, nos puede contar algo sobre las rinitis ¿?, sí que son frecuentes…, casi todas las veces son de tipo alérgico ¿?
En los meses cálidos, sobre todo son de tipo alérgico, tienes razón, pero cuando aparecen en los meses fríos, generalmente son infecciosas. En las rinitis alérgicas aparece picor y obstrucción nasal, estornudos y rinorrea acuosa. Se trata con antihistáminicos o corticoides tópicos, y en algunos casos se puede tratar la sensibilización al alérgeno que provoca el cuadro. Lo más frecuente es que aparezca en personas de 20 a 30 años, debido al pólen, y es de tipo estacional. Cuando la rinitis alérgica es perenne, se da más entre 30- 40 años y el causante suelen ser los ácaros del polvo doméstico.
3.    Entonces, cuando se trata de una rinitis infecciosa, ¿aparece de forma muy diferente o tiene los mismos síntomas?
En principio, algunos síntomas como estornudos obstrucción nasal o rinorrea, pueden coincidir, sobre todo cuando la infección es causada por un virus como el de la gripe, por ejemplo. Cuando hay una sobreinfección bacteriana, se puede complicar con una sinusitis o incluso una otitis, y la secreción nasal se hace más purulenta. También hay otras formas de rinitis que aparecen típicamente en el embarazo o en la diabetes.
4.    Ha nombrado usted la sinusitis, ¿es este el típico resfriado con fuertes dolores de cabeza, sobre la frente?
Consiste en la inflamación e infección de los senos, que son cavidades en los huesos que rodean a las fosas nasales. El dolor aparece justamente en la zona que se encuentra el seno o senos afectados y puede doler incluso sólo a la palpación. La infección hace que el moco se vuelva más denso y no drene bien con lo que presiona sobre las paredes de los huesos. Se diagnostica con una radiografía además de los síntomas. Se trata con antibióticos y antiinflamatorios, aunque algunas veces es necesario drenar el moco quirúrgicamente.
5.    Entonces tratar este tipo de infección es algo difícil, lo digo porque si incluso es necesaria la cirugía, no se trata de un resfriado cualquiera…
Muchas veces se trata de bacterias resistentes a muchos antibióticos, con lo que hace falta usarlos de bastante potencia. También cuando no drena el moco bien, aumenta la probabilidad de pasar a ser una sinusitis crónica, y por esto es necesario la intervención quirúrgica. El tratamiento farmacológico se debe seguir por lo menos unos 12 ó 15 días y junto a los antibióticos se deben dar mucolíticos y corticoides el la mayoría de los casos.
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