

10 Tips on skin care before bed

Skin is one of the valuable assets of our body. So after working all day, it helps if you clean the skin before bed. Check out skin care tips before bed more as reported by Mag for Women following. 10 Tips on skin care before bed
Cleanse the pores
The main goal is to treat the skin before bed to cleanse the pores that are not blocked by dust and dirt that cause acne.

A good moisturizer
Choose a suitable cleanser and moisturizer according to skin type before bed to keep your skin's natural beauty.

once a week
Once a week, you also need to do the scrubbing or exfoliating. This was done to clean the skin cells are already dead.

eat oranges
At dinner, enjoy citrus fruit or salad to hydrate the skin. Besides citrus, a good source of water can be obtained from watermelon, melon, and grapefruit.

drinking water
Of course, you also need to drink water before going to bed. Not only keep your skin hydrated, drinking water is also able to aid digestion.

night cream
Many people have dry and sensitive skin. If you are also so, apply the night cream on the area elbows, knees, and heels are dry.

In addition to a night cream, you can also use a lotion for hands and body parts. Wrap your feet with socks to keep skin soft when awake.

Loose nighty
Do not wear clothes that are too tight when sleeping. Use loose nightgown so skin can breathe freely.

Sleep on their backs
Familiarize yourself to sleep on your back that lines the inner face of the pillow is not distressed and wounded skin.

Use a soothing fragrance before you sleep. Thus you can relax and sleep will be more restful. (function(d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}js = d.createElement(s); = id;js.src = "";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");

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8 Tips for Herbal Medicines Consumption

Traditional medicines made ??from herbs has long been part of the culture of Indonesian society. Alam Nusantara is very rich in herbal ingredients, even Indonesia called the third country in the world that has a diversity of plants in the world.
To increase the consumption of herbal medicines, Deputy Health Minister Ali Ghurfron Mukti had proposed that the herbal medicine is inserted into one of the treatment which is guaranteed in the National Social Security System.
However, herbal medicine is traditionally processed or home could not be ascertained precisely the amount of the ingredient, which can cause unwanted side effects if its use is not appropriate.

To prevent this, consider the issue of safe consumption of herbal medicines according to Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
1. Do not take more than the dosage and use according to the rules stated on the packaging.
2. In the event of adverse effects, immediately discontinue use and consult a physician.
3. Inform the doctor who was treating you, because some of the ingredients in traditional medicines may interact with chemical drugs, which can cause unwanted effects.
4. Do not consume traditional medicines that contain ingredients that are known to cause allergies.
5. Liver-careful on sufferers hypertension, disorders heart function, kidney, and liver because of there are some ingredients which can aggravate circumstances.
6. Be careful if you are on a diet low in sugar, because in addition to containing ingredients nutritious, traditional medicine sometimes also contain ingredients such as sweeteners.
7. Be careful if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, because some ingredients may affect the fetus.
8. Be careful for breastfeeding women because some of the ingredients can be excreted through breast milk is likely to cause unwanted effects in the baby.
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Accompanied sleep Gentle Music Can Boost Brain Memory

Having tired of the myriad of day-to-day activities of the body require rest. Sleep is the main option for it. But, do you know if it was accompanied by music can improve brain memory? Accompanied sleep Gentle Music Can Boost Brain Memory
A study has been published online in the Cell Press journal Neuron, found that by playing soft music and the swing will increase the memory in the brain. This suggests a simple and non-invasive brain activity that affects humans when sleeping.

As quoted from the Times of India, Friday (04/12/2013) Dr Jan Born of the University of Tubingen, Germany, said that this was a low intensity auditory stimulation.

"This is the beauty of simplicity applies to the auditory stimulation when compared with low-intensity electrical stimulation. And it illustrates the simplicity of the tools used in the clinical environment that can be used to increase the rhythm of sleep," said Dr. January

Dr Jan and his colleagues conduct these tests, involving 11 people on a different night. Later research conducted while participants were given sound stimuli or artificial stimuli.

When the volunteers were given sound stimulus is stimulated properly, then their brain oscillations begin to adjust to the rhythm. As a result, they become better at recalling words that they have learned previously.

However, if the stimulation provided does not fit, then it will not be effective. In this study also revealed that stimulation can also be used to improve the quality of sleep.

Well, you can try to install a piano or guitar musical instruments to improve the quality of sleep. By having quality sleep, you undoubtedly have good productivity. (function(d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}js = d.createElement(s); = id;js.src = "";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");

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" Progetto Scrivanie verdi"

Buon giorno a tutti miei lettori,oggi vi vado a parlare di qualcosa di straordinario, di pulito, di stupefacente!Progetto “Scrivanie Verdi” non preoccupatevi nessuno vi vuole proporre delle scrivanie nuove… :Duna bellissima iniziativa, inizialmente anch’io ero rimasta un tantino, che dire allibita? S?, non pensavo che potesse nascere una collaborazione tale… eppure esiste, e devo dire che prenderne parte con questo comunicato, mi riempie di gioia! E’ un progetto che consiste: nella creatività e sostenibile, che incentiva e contribuisce alla preservazione della biodiversità e del pianeta. Un sito fantastico Tiendeo a dichiarare la verità io non conoscevo ma che è stata davvero una bellissima scoperta!Via lascio al comunicato stampo che vi omaggerà di specifiche più dettagliate…Crea la tua Scrivania Verde e aiuta l’ambiente a respirare!Lungi da essere un prodotto in estinzione, in  Italia vengono prodotti, secondo una ricerca dell'Università di Padova in collaborazione con Nielsen, 12 miliardi di volantini ogni anno, che si traducono in un impatto devastante per i nostri alberi e il nostro pianeta.Il volantino digitale è un’ottima alternativa per la grande distribuzione, per promuovere i prodotti e le offerte con la stessa copertura, ma compromettondosi con l’ambiente.Tiendeo, leader del volantinaggio digitale, esiste in Spagna dal 2011 e finalmente sbarca in Italia: al momento conta con 6,2 milioni di visite mensili e 8,2 milioni di cataloghi letti. Ogni 3,5 milioni di cataloghi letti al mese, Tiendeo fa risparmiare al nostro ambiente:37 milioni di litri d'acqua; il volume di 15 piscine olimpiche.663 tonnellate di carta; il legno di circa 9800 alberi.960 tonnellata di CO2; l'emissione annuale di 430 auto.2 milioni di KWh; il consumo annuale di 680 appartamenti.Inoltre da quest’autunno ha lanciato una nuova e originale iniziativa ecologica per aiutare l’aria. Scrivanie Verdi, insieme alla ONG Acci?natura e al Grupo Local Sierra Gorda, nasce con l’idea di proteggere e conservare uno dei paesaggi naturali più ricchi in biodiversità e allo stesso tempo più minacciati  del pianeta, la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra Gorda en México.La formula è molto semplice: la vostra scrivania= 1m2 di superficie = 1m2 di Selva Tropicale che Tiendeo sovvenzionerà per voi.Partecipare è molto semplice: basterà scrivere un post parlando dell’iniziativa o collocare nella vuestra pagina web il logo di Scrivanie Verdi e condividere l’iniziativa con i vostri amici in Facebook. Tiendeo sovvenzionerà un metro cuadrato di Selva Tropicale e inserirà la vostra scrivania nella mappa verde di Tiendeo, insieme al vostro nome e un link alla vostra pagina web.Per Ulteriori Informazioni, contattare:
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12 Super Foods to Fight Cancer

Every day a person diagnosed with cancer. Although the cause of cancer is not known with certainty, it does not mean we can only surrender to face this disease. Many studies showed that cancer can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle.Choosing a healthy diet and regular exercise not only can prevent cancer, but research also shows that appropriate foods can stop the growth of cancer cells. Here are 12 super foods that are known to keep us from cancer.Rich in vitamin E, which lowers the risk of colon cancer, lung, liver, and other cancers. Delicious peanut butter on whole wheat bread will help you fight cancer.Oranges, grapefruit, and broccoli are rich in vitamin C. These elements are essential to prevent the formation of nitrogen compounds that are cancer-causing. Foods containing high vitamin C decreases the risk of cancer of the esophagus, bladder, breast, cervix, stomach, and colon. So, do not forget these foods in your daily diet.Berries are powerful cancer fighter. The higher the antioxidant content that causes such.Sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene may reduce the risk of colon cancer, gastric, and lung. Studies show, sweet potatoes can lower the risk of breast cancer by half.Salmon, especially wild caught fish, a source of vitamin D which is good. Vitamin D-rich foods help block the development of blood vessels that feed a tumor to grow and help stop the proliferation of cancerous and precancerous cells.Omega-3 fatty acids prevent the growth of cancer cells, but it also can reduce inflammation. Aside from fish, flax seed is a source of omega-3 fatty acids are good.Curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric that play a role in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Curcumin can also be a barrier of communication of cancer cells thereby preventing its development.Tea contains catechins, compounds that inhibit the growth of cancer. A study in China said, green tea drinkers have a lower risk for developing cancer than those who do not.Fruits and vegetables contain important fotonutrien same with minerals and vitamins. Vegetables such as cauliflower and cabbage contain phytonutrients that may help inhibit the metabolism of carcinogens and stimulates the body to produce detoxifying enzymes.Study in 2009, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology shows that tomatoes contain lycopene that helps prevent prostate cancer. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that also can prevent various types of cancer.Pomegranate is rich in acidic elagik that can slow the growth of cancer cells. Elagik acid also deactivate cancer-causing compounds.Onions are rich in anti-cancer compounds. Onions can be eaten raw or as a mixture of food.(function(d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}js = d.createElement(s); = id;js.src = "";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");
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"Frittelle di mele"

Le frittelle di mele sono un gustosissimo dolce, originario dell’Alto Adige. Adorate dai bambini, le frittelle di mele vengono preparate soprattutto in occasione delle feste di compleanno e delle ricorrenze speciali. Le frittelle di mele, con l’aggiunta della frutta, sono un’originale variante delle classiche frittelle. Provate a realizzare le frittelle di mele: la ricetta è semplice e veloce e pu? essere preparata anche in anticipo.Sbattete, avvalendovi di uno sbattitore, i tuorli delle uova e il latte all’interno di una terrina. Aggiungete un pizzico di sale, la vanillina e la farina setacciata e amalgamate il tutto al fine di ottenere un composto omogeneo e denso che lascerete riposare per circa 30 minuti coprendolo. Montate a neve gli albumi insieme a 20 grammi di zucchero e uniteli al composto mescolando il tutto con una spatola di legno e procedendo con movimenti dal basso verso l’alto. Tagliate le mele a fettine sottili di circa ½ centimetro, dopo averle lavate, asciugate e sbucciate. Irrorate le fettine di mele con il succo di limone per evitare che si anneriscano, dopodiché tamponatele con la carta assorbente e zuccheratele. Immergete ora le fettine di mele zuccherate nel composto in precedenza preparato per poi sistemarle in un recipiente con dell’olio di semi per la frittura. Friggete a 180° le frittelle di mele e fatele dorare su entrambi i lati. A questo punto, fate scolare le frittelle su della carta assorbente da cucina al fine di farle liberare dell’olio in eccesso. Per concludere, spolverizzate le vostre frittelle di mele con dello zucchero e servite calde!Si consiglia di friggere non più di tre o quattro frittelle per volta, al fine di controllare meglio la cottura. Le frittelle di mele non si devono annerire e la temperatura dell’olio, pertanto, non deve essere ne troppo fredda ne troppo calda.
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8 Tips for Herbal Medicines Consumption

Traditional medicines made ??from herbs has long been part of the culture of Indonesian society. Alam Nusantara is very rich in herbal ingredients, even Indonesia called the third country in the world that has a diversity of plants in the world.
To increase the consumption of herbal medicines, Deputy Health Minister Ali Ghurfron Mukti had proposed that the herbal medicine is inserted into one of the treatment which is guaranteed in the National Social Security System.
However, herbal medicine is traditionally processed or home could not be ascertained precisely the amount of the ingredient, which can cause unwanted side effects if its use is not appropriate.

To prevent this, consider the issue of safe consumption of herbal medicines according to Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
1. Do not take more than the dosage and use according to the rules stated on the packaging.
2. In the event of adverse effects, immediately discontinue use and consult a physician.
3. Inform the doctor who was treating you, because some of the ingredients in traditional medicines may interact with chemical drugs, which can cause unwanted effects.
4. Do not consume traditional medicines that contain ingredients that are known to cause allergies.
5. Liver-careful on sufferers hypertension, disorders heart function, kidney, and liver because of there are some ingredients which can aggravate circumstances.
6. Be careful if you are on a diet low in sugar, because in addition to containing ingredients nutritious, traditional medicine sometimes also contain ingredients such as sweeteners.
7. Be careful if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, because some ingredients may affect the fetus.
8. Be careful for breastfeeding women because some of the ingredients can be excreted through breast milk is likely to cause unwanted effects in the baby.
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